Friday, February 8, 2013

Week One - No New Plastic Challenge

So after seeing some Facebook posts about the damage plastic does to our planet, I decided to challenge myself to live for the month of February without any new plastic. I put the challenge out on social media and there are a few playing at home. Since I didn't really make the challenge very clear at the start, I posted these "rules" on Facebook on Monday.

The No New Plastics Challenge Rules
1. No purchasing any items in plastic containers or wrapped in plastic
2. You can store and cook using plastic items, but cannot purchase any NEW plastic products
3. You need to think creatively - which may including making items from scratch
4. No beating yourself up if you cannot do the above fully, but that doesn't mean you take the easy road out

When I told a few people about it they thought I was doing it for health reasons. Personal health. So the first questions was along the lines of 'how does this help you?' Yeah, well, it's not only for me, but the environment. We are a culture steeped in convenience and waste. And with a little creativity we can be a little more eco-friendly.

Here are some things I've done this week:

1. Carry a water bottle (well, until I lost it) This helps me stay hydrated, but it also allows me to pass on plastic or truly any disposable cups. Luckily NYC water is pretty great. I have looked for a replacement bottle, but all I've seen have plastic lids.
2. Carry a canvas bag with me. Just in case I have shopping to do, I have a bag at the ready.
3. Pack plastic containers. So, the challenge is for no NEW plastic. So I am fine using what I already have. Since I still do some catering work, if there are good leftovers, I pack them in my containers.
4. Mention what I'm doing with the challenge. While it would be nice if others joined in the fun, I am certainly not a preacher. I am not telling others what to do, however if they are more aware of their actions and habits, all the better.
5. I stopped putting plastic bags in my trash can. I now take the pail down to the large bin in the basement of my building and wash out my small trash can every other day.
6. Abstained from things I usually buy. I tend to shop at Trader Joe's. There's lots of variety, but SO MUCH of their inventory is packed in plastic. Cheese, veggies, breads, nuts, meats...well, you get the picture. So this week I didn't buy any. Luckily I had plenty of food in my fridge and pantry, but when I need to shop I plan on grains and such from the bulk bins at other grocery stores and meats and fish in PAPER from the butcher.

I'm excited and nervous to see how the rest of the month goes. Stay tuned for updates!

My Atlanta ladies, how has your week been? Where have you seen your habits shift? And anyone else, any tips or struggles you care to share?


  1. i've definitely had some struggles. primarily in that there are things that just don't come in other packaging. and then there's what i've dubbed invisible plastic (like the wholly unnecessary plastic lining in the paper coffee bag and the plastic spout in the glass olive oil jar).

    but i will admit, i have not been as diligent as i could be. and i recognize that as a matter of convenience.

    so my goals for the rest of the month are:
    - commit to getting my olive oil at a local market that offers in bulk, even though it costs a little more
    - find a place to get green tea in bulk so that i can use my own container
    - learn to make pasta at home (first attempt was a bust - try, try again!)
    - really commit to removing some bad-ish things from my diet, like tofu, chips and crackers (i have a recipes for these as well!)
    - get into the habit of taking my own containers for leftovers and skipping the straws and lids at places with paper cups

    it's definitely a challenge, but a great one. even just to become more aware, more conscious of the plastic wrapped world we live in.

  2. So I asked Angela what was wrong with tofi and this is the response I got:

    "it's not so sustainable as far as farming goes.
    and non-organic is almost certainly gmo, much like corn."

    I had no idea. Feel free to check out this article (and others!) if you want to know more.
