Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hey-oh, it's time for Gratitudes!

Wow, this week went by fast! Perhaps it's because I am working more or perhaps I am just more productive. In any case, the time is here to take a moment out to share some love and thank my lucky stars. Here's what I'm grateful for this week.

1. warmer weather. While still cold, I don't have to bundle as much. And I currently have my window open for fresh air.
2. Yoga. I have been going regularly and feel the difference in my body.
3. The No New Plastics Challenge. It's allowed me to be more aware of my actions and share the experience with others. And hopefully not preach.
4. Catering leftovers. Less food to buy, no need to purchase meat packed in plastic.
5. My growing community. Specifically Annette Gates for sharing some great resources and Traci Redmond for sharing The Zen Bride invite with a friend of hers.

Care to share? Feel free to do so below in the COMMENT section. Woot!

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