Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 2 - No New Plastics Challenge

I am two weeks in my no new plastics challenge. A few months ago I saw others limiting their use or completely avoiding plastic and I wanted to see if I can do the same. That means I can use the old plastic I already have in my home, but I cannot buy anything new. That also includes ANY and ALL plastic packaging. It's been rather easy for me thus far, but I can sense it getting more difficult.

First off, I cannot believe I've gone 2 weeks without a full shopping trip. I have worked enough catering to get me by and I've supplemented with a few things from Trader Joe's and the little market around the corner. I did plan on eating more fruits and veggies, but the trainer I went to today suggested I eat more meat. Yeah, I'm also doing a weight loss challenge at the same time. I know, kill me now.

Anyway, as my friend Matt Moore asked me via LinkedIn, yes, I have changed my dietary habits. One because I am watching what I'm eating, but also since I really need to be mindful about how the food is packaged. I do plan to go to the Farmer's Market tomorrow, but I may need to go to Fairway and have the butcher wrap meat for me so I don't grab any styrofoam or plastic.

Here are some things I've learned this week:
1. I really need to be conscious about bringing my canvas bag with me.
2. There are very few (okay, one) completely plastic free water bottle. It's made by Kanteen Klean and it's a whopping $32. I think my glass Pellegrino bottle will suffice for the time being.
3. At restaurants if you order any beverage it comes with a plastic straw. In the glass. Why is that? I need to remember to be proactive and ask for them to not give me one.
4. Now that I'm aware, I see plastic everywhere. The thing that saddens me most is just about all of the trash I see on the sidewalk is plastic based. Lots of bags, drink bottles and to-go containers.
5. I have started to be a little lax and make judgement calls. For example I needed a lock for the gym and all of the locks I found at the sporting goods store were packaged in plastic. Do I abstain? No, if that's the only option I buy it because I do indeed need it.

Earlier this week I was a hair model for Redken. For a little money and a lot of time I got a really great cut and color. They also provided lunch. It was pizza. Not so great for my waistline, but not bad in the plastic department. However, all they had was plastic plates and forks. I asked the receptionist if there were any real dishes and silverware and after doubting, she found one bowl, one fork and one glass. Therefore I could have my salad in a real bowl and not eat with my fingers. At the end of the day, however, they gave us a little gift. I thought about not taking it, but it was a really nice brush and a full sized conditioning product. So, yes I did take it.

How was your week? Anything you want to share about things you've noticed about your own habits and behavior? Anything you may shift if you joined the challenge?


  1. planning is key for this challenge, and i just have not excelled in the planning department. i'm trying not to beat myself up, reminding myself that this is a new, heightened consciousness that i want to maintain and improve long-term. therefore, it's all a learning process.
    week 2 saw a to-go container, five to-go styrofoam bowl lids, two plastic wine cups at an event (one used twice, one used so not wasted, and both recycled), and 3 bottles of water also at an event. oh, and the plastic coated metal claspy dealio on a bag of coffee.
    i still have not found a place to get affordable loose leaf tea that's not prepackaged in a plastic tub. i'm weighing which of the two evils are greater: plastic tub or driving all the way to lenox mall for the sole purpose of visiting teavana.

  2. Yes, indeedy it does take planning. And the good thing for you is that you have a car, so you can always have canvas bags or take-out containers at the ready. And I did look, there does not seem to be a place for loose tea close to your home or work. However, if you stock up a trip to Buckhead, Chamblee or Vinings is worth it. Have you checked with your local coffee shop? Would they sell you loose tea?
