Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hey-oh, it's time for Gratitudes!

Wow, this week went by fast! Perhaps it's because I am working more or perhaps I am just more productive. In any case, the time is here to take a moment out to share some love and thank my lucky stars. Here's what I'm grateful for this week.

1. warmer weather. While still cold, I don't have to bundle as much. And I currently have my window open for fresh air.
2. Yoga. I have been going regularly and feel the difference in my body.
3. The No New Plastics Challenge. It's allowed me to be more aware of my actions and share the experience with others. And hopefully not preach.
4. Catering leftovers. Less food to buy, no need to purchase meat packed in plastic.
5. My growing community. Specifically Annette Gates for sharing some great resources and Traci Redmond for sharing The Zen Bride invite with a friend of hers.

Care to share? Feel free to do so below in the COMMENT section. Woot!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Losing Weight: Check in #4

I bumped up my exercise and watched my food intake more. As you can see I did do better with water since I consciously started drinking earlier in the day. And on Wednesday, I did feel a difference in my clothes. There is a scale at the gym, and since I go every day it's tempting to weigh myself. I have lost 2 pounds since I started this little weight loss challenge. I would like to lose another 6-8. I have another 2 weeks left at the gym, so while I don't think it's possible in that time, but I will be further on my way. However putting on the THE pants, they are still tight. The leg continues to loosen, but the waist is not where it should be. Next week, lots of veggies and fish!

Breakfast: 1 egg 1 egg white, 1/2 bran muffin, 4 radishes with black bean spread, mint tea
Lunch: lamb tagine with cous cous, arugula and carrot salad, balsamic vinegar
Dinner: 2 large turkey meatballs, roasted sweet potatoes & beets, 2 tsp cranberry chutney
Snack: apple, 2 chunks of cheese with 2 water crackers
Water: 50 oz!
Exercise: David Barton yoga class (75 min), lots of walking

Breakfast: turkey burger with 3 thin baguette slices, arugula, small chunk cheddar, coffee with soy milk
Lunch: lamb tagine with cous cous
Snack: 3/4 of Clif bar
Dinner: bowtie pasta with kale, mushroom & onions with a pat of truffle butter, 1 glass red wine
Water: 50 oz.
Exercise: capoeira/yoga class (50 min) planks during Jimmy Fallon on Hulu :30, :60, :50, :30, :45

Breakfast: lamb tagine with cous cous
Lunch: banana, peanut Clif Bar
Dinner: One turkey meatball with pasta and chunky tomato/eggplant sauce, glass of red wine
Water: 50 oz
Exercise: kick ass interval exercise class. whoo boy! (45 min) 

Breakfast: granola with skim milk and a banana, coffee with skim milk
Lunch: lamb tagine with cous cous, blood orange-flavored Pellegrino
Dinner: Malaysian noodle dish with chicken and tofu
Snack: apple, 3 calamari rings, 1 beer
Water: 35 oz.
Exercise: Basic yoga class (75 min), lots of walking in the super cold

Breakfast: egg whites with half an English muffin and a tsp of low sugar orange marmalade, coffee with skim milk
Lunch: bowtie pasta with turkey meatballs and tomato/eggplant sauce
Dinner: seitan skewers, kale and grain salad, porcini crusted tofu with veggies
Vodka with club soda, lime
Water: 40 oz.
Exercise: Intermediate yoga class (75 min)

Breakfast: egg white on half an english muffin, chunk of Dorset cheese, apple
Lunch: cup of butternut squash soup, 3/4 cup of chicken pot pie filling, 6 wheat crackers
Dinner: salad with 2 chicken skewers, 1 beef and little meat loaf
Water: 25 oz.
1 glass wine
Exercise: A catering job with a shit ton of stairs.

Breakfast: 1 egg with meatloaf scraps and tomatoes with eggplant
Lunch: big salad with 2 chicken skewers dipped in peanut sauce, balsamic vinegar, chunk of goat cheese on a water cracker, 1 glass Chardonnay
Dinner: Butternut squash soup with a 1/2 cup of chicken pot pie filling and 3/4 cup of bowtie pasta
Water: 25 oz.
Exercise: None. Mama needed a rest.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Week #3 - No New Plastic Challenge

I really don't know what I was thinking doing a weight loss and no plastics challenge at the same time. Needless to say, my diet has changed because of watching plastic, but it would have anyway since I'm watching what I put in my pie hole.

While I wish I was 100% successful and 100% creative, I am not. There's a lot of weighing cost vs. plastic and sometimes there's little or no options. Here are some things I learned or experienced this week.

1. New Yorkers get a little weirded out about this challenge. When I went to farmers market I asked the  guy selling yogurt and the woman selling duck sausage about packing in something other than plastic. The yogurt seller was downright rude and the duck lady was basically confused. One of produce sellers did have paper bags for my mushrooms and arugula. Sadly, the apples were a little mushy and I forgot to eat one of the yummy carrots I bought and had to throw it away.
2. I keep forgetting to ask servers and bartenders to not give me straws. I have been stopping them as they do it, but I think they just throw it out rather than reuse it.
3. My new french coffee press is plastic and glass. It cost $20. I could have gotten one that's glass and metal for $43, but I didn't think it was worth it and I will have this one for a while, knowing that if I break the glass, I can just replace the glass.
4. For a single person with limited kitchen space, I have a lot of food. I have not had to do a full shopping trip since I just need to supplement what I already had.
5. I did remember to bring a plastic container with me for leftovers at the restaurant last night, but I didn't need it.
6. Carrying around a glass Pellegrino bottle to refill is HEAVY!
7. I have yet to be super creative and make things that I can only get in plastic. Like granola bars. I still have 2 left, so I may be okay.
8. I have started cleaning with apple cider vinegar and baking soda since I'm out of Nature's Miracle to clean the cat messes. It works surprisingly well.
9. It has not been a pain to bring my waste (in the waste baskets) down to the basement every few days to dump and wash. No plastic bag liners needed.
10. My friend Julia is moving to Atlanta, so she gave me lots of panty items. A good number of glass jars and cans, however I could not say no to the plastic bottles of vinegar, mustard and spices.

Questions? Comments? Successes? Add them below!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Gratitudes for your Thursday!

With all of the challenges this month, I am a blogging fool. I love coming to Thursday and taking a moment to remember where I'm grateful.

Here's the list this week:
1. my free monthly gym pass.
2. increasing my community of wedding vendors
3. gradually meeting new friends and having a local support circle
4. working heat in my apartment for the super cold days. Yay 27 degrees!
5. More catering bookings. Not up to where I need to be, but slowly but surely getting there.

Feel free to share your list, or just one, in the COMMENT section below.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Losing Weight - Check-in #3

Going into Week 3, there were few issues. I have been exercising every day and I do feel better. The pants do feel looser in the leg, however the belly is still not as comfortable as I'd like.

I've been working my full body more so I am certainly feeling muscles that have not been activated in a while. I am not sure if I'm doing enough. Three weeks in, I should feel more a difference. I think I am okay in the exercise department, but I still need to better watch what I put in my pie hole. Perhaps smaller portions and more fruits and veggies. I did fall a bit in the middle of the week. A little heavy on the carbs, but I got myself back on track.

Water consumption is still hard. I tend to forget to drink until late in the day and chug before bed. Perhaps if I have a glass at the start of the day - say, before my morning coffee or tea, I will have a better chance of drinking more.

Breakfast: Smoothie with plain non-fat yogurt, 6 fresh frozen strawberries, 1/2 orange, 1/2 banana, Oatmeal Raisin Clif Bar
Lunch: Turkey sloppy joe (no bread) and watermelon radish with jicama and herb oil
Dinner: Pot roast with hoisin and plum tomatoes with a veggie burger, 4 small carrots and horseradish hummus
Water: 24 oz.
Exercise: 90 minute David Barton Yoga for Jocks class, 1:30 plank

Breakfast: 1 egg, 1/2 wheat English muffin, 2 carrot sticks, 2 tsp black bean spread, 1/2 mango
Lunch: 1/4 chicken, 1 tostone, jicama & watermelon radish with herb oil, 1/2 orange
Dinner: A little cheat...3 fried pork dumplings, shrimp with black bean sauce and noodles, lots of tea
Water: 40 oz.
Exercise: Capoeira/yoga class (1 hr) 1:30 plank

Breakfast: coffee with milk, mixed berry scone
Lunch: small slice of cheese pizza, romaine with tomatoes & cucumber, vinaigrette
Dinner: sauteed kale, onions & tomatoes, leftover shrimp with BB sauce & noodles, 2 pork dumplings
Water: 40 oz.
Exercise: 1:35 plank, 15 full push ups, 10 center sit ups, 10 each side oblique, a little stretching

Breakfast: 1 egg with herb oil, 1/2 english muffin, watermelon radish with black bean spread, black tea
Lunch: nonfat plain yogurt with 1/2 banana, 3 fresh frozen strawberries, ginger granola
Dinner: 1/3 small cheese plate with 3 small pieces of bread, roasted sweet potatoes & beets, kale with tomatoes & onions, 1/2 glass red wine
Water: 20 oz. water
Exercise: 1 hour pilates class, 1.5 mile walking

Breakfast: 2 eggs white, a little cheddar, 3 thin slices of baguette, black tea
Lunch: bowl of chicken orzo soup
Dinner: 5 quarter sized lamb burgers with sauteed kale, tomatoes and onions
Snack: 2 wheat crackers, 6 radishes with black bean spread
Water: 25 oz.
Exercise: 1 hour personal training session - 7 min walk on treadmill, lots of squats with a 20 lb weight, lots of stair steppers, more walking, 1 min plank
1 glass of red wine

Breakfast: veggie burger, 1/2 c roasted sweet potatoes & beets, 2 egg whites, 1/2 tsp peanut sauce
Lunch: plain non-fat yogurt with granola
Dinner: 2 turkey & veggie meatballs, sauteed kale & tomatoes with capers
Snack: 1/4 of a Clif Bar
Water: 25 oz.
Exercise: stretching, 3 x 45 sec plank
1/2 glass red wine

Breakfast: 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup roasted sweet potatoes & beets, chunk of dorset cheese, cup of coffee, half large bran muffin
Lunch: banana
Dinner: lamb tagine with cous cous and sauteed kale, 1 glass red wine
Water: 30 oz.
Exercise: David Barton advanced yoga class, lots of walking in the cold

Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 2 - No New Plastics Challenge

I am two weeks in my no new plastics challenge. A few months ago I saw others limiting their use or completely avoiding plastic and I wanted to see if I can do the same. That means I can use the old plastic I already have in my home, but I cannot buy anything new. That also includes ANY and ALL plastic packaging. It's been rather easy for me thus far, but I can sense it getting more difficult.

First off, I cannot believe I've gone 2 weeks without a full shopping trip. I have worked enough catering to get me by and I've supplemented with a few things from Trader Joe's and the little market around the corner. I did plan on eating more fruits and veggies, but the trainer I went to today suggested I eat more meat. Yeah, I'm also doing a weight loss challenge at the same time. I know, kill me now.

Anyway, as my friend Matt Moore asked me via LinkedIn, yes, I have changed my dietary habits. One because I am watching what I'm eating, but also since I really need to be mindful about how the food is packaged. I do plan to go to the Farmer's Market tomorrow, but I may need to go to Fairway and have the butcher wrap meat for me so I don't grab any styrofoam or plastic.

Here are some things I've learned this week:
1. I really need to be conscious about bringing my canvas bag with me.
2. There are very few (okay, one) completely plastic free water bottle. It's made by Kanteen Klean and it's a whopping $32. I think my glass Pellegrino bottle will suffice for the time being.
3. At restaurants if you order any beverage it comes with a plastic straw. In the glass. Why is that? I need to remember to be proactive and ask for them to not give me one.
4. Now that I'm aware, I see plastic everywhere. The thing that saddens me most is just about all of the trash I see on the sidewalk is plastic based. Lots of bags, drink bottles and to-go containers.
5. I have started to be a little lax and make judgement calls. For example I needed a lock for the gym and all of the locks I found at the sporting goods store were packaged in plastic. Do I abstain? No, if that's the only option I buy it because I do indeed need it.

Earlier this week I was a hair model for Redken. For a little money and a lot of time I got a really great cut and color. They also provided lunch. It was pizza. Not so great for my waistline, but not bad in the plastic department. However, all they had was plastic plates and forks. I asked the receptionist if there were any real dishes and silverware and after doubting, she found one bowl, one fork and one glass. Therefore I could have my salad in a real bowl and not eat with my fingers. At the end of the day, however, they gave us a little gift. I thought about not taking it, but it was a really nice brush and a full sized conditioning product. So, yes I did take it.

How was your week? Anything you want to share about things you've noticed about your own habits and behavior? Anything you may shift if you joined the challenge?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's for Gratitudes!

I would like to say that I feel the love all around me, but that's not quite true. I do feel lots of great energy and of course being in NY I certainly feel lots of tense anxiety and aggression. But hey, it's all good.

These are some things I am grateful for this week:

1. a free month-long gym membership - and Maria my steam room buddy for getting an additional pass for me.
2. a forum for my thoughts, questions and challenges - and those of you who follow me and comment right back!
3. that my slum lord management company asked my super give me his new phone number, and he did in fact show up this morning to do some of the repairs. More tomorrow!
4. 2 scheduled meeting with wedding professionals and one pending, 3 potential wedding couples
5. a beautiful sunny day with a lovely new do and lots of fun plans!

Feel free to add your gratitudes in the comment section below. And Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Losing Weight - Check in #2

Going into week 2, I felt good. I have not had much desire to have dessert, but I tend to still want something sweet, so I have a coffee hard candy if I need. I maybe had 3 all week. I tried to be better about drinking water and doing a little more cardio. The water was not so successful, however good news on the workout front. On Thursday, my friend Maria gave me a 30-day free pass to David Barton Gym. We activated it and I went 3 days this week. I have a feeling that will kick my ass. Literally.

I went to Trader Joe's to get cat food and eggs on Tuesday, but there was little else I could buy due to my 28-Day No New Plastic Challenge. Luckily I have been catering a bit and taking home leftovers to eat throughout the week. Shopping - when I do it this week - will be a challenge.

Breakfast: 1 egg, plus 1 egg white, 1/2 english muffin, 2 T black bean spread, black tea with soy milk
Lunch: 5 large shrimp, 1/2 c pasta in tomato sauce, root veggie wellington, romaine lettuce no dressing
Snack: fruit salad (apples, banana, kiwi, orange)
Dinner: dal & cous cous, hummus, carrots & celery, cup of beef barley soup, 1 peking duck & 1 lamb burger canape
Water: 24 oz.
Exercise: 12 push ups, 25 sit ups, walk ~ 1 mile, a little stretching

Breakfast: Root veggie wellington, 1 egg/1 egg white, cauliflower & romanesco, teaspoon of bleu cheese, black tea with soy milk
Lunch: Turkey burger with lettuce & tomato, steamed spinach, cole slaw
Dinner: Apple
1 Cosmopolitan
Water: 30 oz.
Exercise: ~1.5 walking

Breakfast: Steelcut oats, 1/2 banana with nonfat plain yogurt & maple syrup, coffee with skim milk
Lunch: arugula salad with olives, open faced turkey sloppy joe, roasted carrots & potatoes, cup of chicken orzo soup, 1/2 c fruit
Dinner: mixed salad with beans & wheat berries, cous cous and dal, black bean spread & celery sticks
Water: 18 oz
Exercise: 45 mins yoga, stretching, 13 push ups, 26 sit ups

Breakfast: 1 egg, fingerling potatoes, acorn squash, cauliflower & black bean spread, black tea w/ soy milk
Lunch: pasta with turkey sloppy joe meat, big mixed salad with beans and artichoke hearts & cucumber
Dinner: cup of beef and barley soup, large salad (same as lunch)
Exercise: David Barton yoga class (75 min)

Breakfast: nonfat plain yogurt, 1 banana, ginger granola
Lunch: dal & cous cous, mixed salad with beans, artichoke hearts and cucumber
Dinner: Pot roast, fingerling potatoes, squash & cauliflower, watermelon radish with butternut squash slaw
Water: 24 oz.
Exercise: 20 minutes walk/jog, 15 minutes elliptical, 10 minutes bike - 1:16 plank

Breakfast: egg with herb oil, fingerling potatoes, squash & cauliflower, black tea
Lunch: mixed salad, cup of beef & barley soup
Snack: 1/4 cup black bean spread, 4 small carrots, 4 radishes, 1/2 mango
Dinner: romaine w/ jicama, 1T Vidalia onion dressing, bowtie pasta with tomato sauce, 4 mini (quarter-size) lamb burgers
Water: 24 oz.
Exercise: Sledding in Central Park with lots of walking, 1:30 plank, 20 full sit ups, 10 full push ups

Breakfast: 2 egg whites with a bit of cheddar, roasted potatoes & carrots, black tea
Lunch: dal & cous cous, mixed salad (yes, this is the last of both of these!)
Dinner: Pio Pio: half tomato slice & half slice of mozz, ceviche, 2 tostones, 1/2 chicken breast, avocado salad, 2 bites tres leches cake
Water: 30 oz.
Exercise: Yoga Flow at David Barton (75 min) 2 x 1:00 plank

Friday, February 8, 2013

Week One - No New Plastic Challenge

So after seeing some Facebook posts about the damage plastic does to our planet, I decided to challenge myself to live for the month of February without any new plastic. I put the challenge out on social media and there are a few playing at home. Since I didn't really make the challenge very clear at the start, I posted these "rules" on Facebook on Monday.

The No New Plastics Challenge Rules
1. No purchasing any items in plastic containers or wrapped in plastic
2. You can store and cook using plastic items, but cannot purchase any NEW plastic products
3. You need to think creatively - which may including making items from scratch
4. No beating yourself up if you cannot do the above fully, but that doesn't mean you take the easy road out

When I told a few people about it they thought I was doing it for health reasons. Personal health. So the first questions was along the lines of 'how does this help you?' Yeah, well, it's not only for me, but the environment. We are a culture steeped in convenience and waste. And with a little creativity we can be a little more eco-friendly.

Here are some things I've done this week:

1. Carry a water bottle (well, until I lost it) This helps me stay hydrated, but it also allows me to pass on plastic or truly any disposable cups. Luckily NYC water is pretty great. I have looked for a replacement bottle, but all I've seen have plastic lids.
2. Carry a canvas bag with me. Just in case I have shopping to do, I have a bag at the ready.
3. Pack plastic containers. So, the challenge is for no NEW plastic. So I am fine using what I already have. Since I still do some catering work, if there are good leftovers, I pack them in my containers.
4. Mention what I'm doing with the challenge. While it would be nice if others joined in the fun, I am certainly not a preacher. I am not telling others what to do, however if they are more aware of their actions and habits, all the better.
5. I stopped putting plastic bags in my trash can. I now take the pail down to the large bin in the basement of my building and wash out my small trash can every other day.
6. Abstained from things I usually buy. I tend to shop at Trader Joe's. There's lots of variety, but SO MUCH of their inventory is packed in plastic. Cheese, veggies, breads, nuts, meats...well, you get the picture. So this week I didn't buy any. Luckily I had plenty of food in my fridge and pantry, but when I need to shop I plan on grains and such from the bulk bins at other grocery stores and meats and fish in PAPER from the butcher.

I'm excited and nervous to see how the rest of the month goes. Stay tuned for updates!

My Atlanta ladies, how has your week been? Where have you seen your habits shift? And anyone else, any tips or struggles you care to share?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday Gratitudes!

Lots going on. Losing weight, reducing my plastic use and moving forward on my new workshop, The Zen Bride. There's a bunch to be thankful for. Here's just a few.

1. Jennifer Zwiebel. She's a new friend who offered to help move The Zen Bride forward with marketing ideas and general advice. Her excitement has inspired me to push forward.
2. Healthy options. Changing my diet has been relatively stress-free. I have wanted a drink each night, but did abstain last night. Passing on dessert and cheese are surprisingly easy.
3. The settlement of my workers comp case and the courtesy reversal of credit card fees and interest charges. I (and my bank account) thank you.
4. Work possibilities. As A More Perfect Union grows, I still have catering work, was asked to lead this year's dinner party projects with Spoons Across American and met a lovely officiant who will be my referral buddy.
5. Great free or low cost online business options. Specifically Go Daddy and MailChimp.
6. Funny lady, Suehyla El-Attar. She wrote the nicest message on my Facebook wall yesterday and it truly made my day.

Image: Chelle Diamond

Your turn. Care to share? If so, add what you're grateful for in the COMMENT section below.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Losing Weight - Check in #1

So last Wednesday, I put on my white camo pants and they were not only tight in the thigh, but I had a hard time buttoning them. Needless to say, I had a bit of a freakout.

These pants have been snug from time to time, but I've never had a hard time zipping them up. I remember very clearly in grad school, Amy, one of my classmates noticing that I'd lost weight. I was wearing my white camos and she pointed out how loose they were on me. I really didn't know since I don't weight myself regularly. However I was showing my bare ass in my thesis performance and wearing a unitard in John Jasperse concert, so I was going to the gym at least 4 times a week. I was also very active. Walking and biking most places, and rarely driving my car.

Before I left CA last year, I sold my car. And now in NY I walk a ton. However, it's not really exercise. Therefore I decided yesterday that I need to change some of my habits. I am not a big fan of the term 'diet' when referring to losing weight, but I will be eating smarter and exercising in some way EVERY day.

Each Monday I will post my food and exercise journal for the previous week, with a photo of me in my white camo pants.

Off we go!

Thursday 1/31
Breakfast: half English muffin, 1 egg white, 1 tsp. black bean spread, 1 cup fruit, black tea w/ a drop of soy milk
Lunch: bowtie pasta w/ chunky tomato sauce with pesto tofu all atop romaine, carrots & cauliflower. No extra dressing.
Dinner: Broiled salmon with roasted parsnips, brussels sprouts & greens
Extras: 1 glass red wine with clients
Water: 16 oz.
Exercise: brisk walk in the windy cold - ~1.5 miles

Friday 2/1
Breakfast: two small corn tortillas, 2 egg whites, 1 T black bean spread, 1 cup fruit, black tea w/ soy milk
Lunch: Open faced roasted veggie sandwich, apple
Dinner: Broiled black sea bass, roasted carrots & greens, small veal cheek agnolotti, arugula salad with vinaigrette, 2 pieces beef dim sum, 1 piece veggie summer roll, small beef tartar crostini
Water: 30 oz.
Exercise: brisk walk in the cold - ~ 1 mile

Saturday 2/2
Breakfast: Steelcut oats with nonfat plain yogurt and a 2 tsp of maple syrup, coffee with soy milk
Lunch: Broiled salmon with roasted parsnips, brussels sprouts & greens
Dinner: Root veggie wellington, 4 large shrimp with pasta
Water: 24 oz. water, 1 glass Prosecco
Exercise: 1 hour yoga, 1/2 mile walk in the snow

Sunday 2/3
Breakfast: Steelcut oats with nonfat plain yogurt and a 2 tsp of maple syrup
Lunch: bowtie pasta w/ chunky tomato sauce with pesto tofu all atop romaine. No extra dressing.
Dinner: 3 small carrots with black bean spread, apple, cup of homemade beef & barley soup
Water: 16 oz
Exercise: stretch, 10 full push ups, 25 full sit ups