Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Blog has MOVED!

Hey all, I decided to move the blog to website. To keep up with the current gratitudes and motivation, please visit:


Friday, September 13, 2013

Solemn Friday Gratitudes!

This evening marks the beginning of Yom Kippur. The Day of Atonement. While I am a very spiritual person, the Jewish Holidays bring me to a solemn place. A place of ancient religion that I followed as a child. I don't usually go to synagogue, but prefer to honor the holiday in a more personal way. Reflecting on who I am as a person and the strength of my actions and how they affect others. With that in mind, I offer my gratitudes and a grander list of desires.

1. performing my 12th wedding ceremony today before I jump into the holiday
2. the guy who gave me the napkin from his coffee when I asked so I could wipe my drippy allergy-ridden nose
3. moving forward on my attempt to get out of catering by the end of the year
4. sunshine and light breezes
5. catching up on my TV shows, podcasts and book reading

1. people having more awareness for those around them
2. a quick and safe end to all US conflicts
3. actually going on the 3 trips I have mentally planned in 2014
4. regularly taking action to widen my social circle and make my business thrive
5. the strength to make the best choices for the well-being of my family and myself.

Want to share yours? Feel free to add in the COMMENT section below.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Almost forgot the Friday gratitudes!

For the first time, I not only almost forgot to share my gratitudes, but I didn't event want to write them. I literally let out an audible "oh, no" before I sat down to catch up on my Late Night with Jimmy Fallon episodes. That's when I realized I needed to reflect even more. So, without further ado...

1. a boat ride on the channel at a family friends' house before Rosh Hashana dinner
2. 3 pending weddings for the remainder of this year - oooh, so close to my goal
3. getting to marry couples. I love my job.
4. having fun with my nephew
5. surprise catering gigs to help pay the bills

What I'd Like - yeah, these are mostly the same from last week...
1. the drive to move forward on the Zen Bride
2. to finally launch my new website
3. the energy and mental strength to return to a home yoga practice
4. continue to expand my social circle
5. finding a less demanding side business as my business grows.

All right, add yours if'n you want. You know the drill. Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Another Friday, another set of GRATITUDES!

I promise I started another blog post this week, but with a crazy week and lots of priorities I am not even close to finishing it. I cannot believe it's almost 3pm already. I still have lots to do today, but the sun is shining and if I put my nose to the grind stone, I will be able to tick all of my to-do items off my list.

Here we go!

1. some long work hours followed by time to recover
2. 2 additional pending weddings
3. finally getting the okay to print out tomorrow's wedding ceremony. Whew!
4. support and encouragement for my No New Plastic Challenge
5. the woman at the little farmers market at Lincoln Square who split a loaf of cranberry walnut bread - and the baker who agreed to sell us each a half

1. the power to move my Zen Bride workshops forward
2. getting out in the world in order to expand my social circle
3. a better apartment in a quiet neighborhood
4. the strength to return to a daily home yoga practice
5. finding a less physically demanding job as my business grows

Want to share your own? Please do so in the COMMENT section below!

Friday, August 23, 2013

A Little Gratitude

Another sunny day in the Big Apple. This week was a quiet work week, so I have made an effort to do something to promote my business or develop my skills every day. I cannot tell you how important it is to get yourself out there. As a Taurus, I am not a fan of change. The problem is without it, you're just stuck where you are. Here are the things I am grateful for this week, followed by an updated desire list.

1. those who came out to my cabaret on Sunday
2. my friend Amy who continually pushes and challenges me to think bigger and better
3. two additional pending wedding couples
4. satisfying TV shows - specifically The Wire and House of Cards
5. sunny, breezy days

Things I Desire:
1. Energy and drive to write an engaging blog post
2. a date
3. regular vacations and travel opportunities
4. a better social circle
5. strong collaborators

And you? Anything to add for yourself? Feel free to shout it loud and proud in the COMMENT section below.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Sunny Friday Gratitudes

This week went much faster than expected. I had some unexpected catering gigs and then filled the rest with a training, a meeting, writing some wedding ceremonies and trying to get rid of this stinkin' sickness. But there's plenty to be thankful for.

1. the sunny sunshine
2. the people and resources at The Actors Fund
3. Amy Banks for her talent and patience
4. not so early morning so I can sleep and recover
5. coffee

It looks like I need to post my desires above my work space since I really didn't make any headway with any of them this week. So here they are again.

1. time and energy to write the blog posts in my head
2. more connection with the wedding community
3. a date
4. to be fully decongested
5. a better social circle

Want to share your gratitudes or desires? Feel free to add in the comment section below. Happy Friday!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Thank you, Thank you very much

Another Friday, and another week to count my blessings. I've also decided to add my wish list, since I need to not only appreciate what I have, but remember my next steps. For the past 2 days, I've encouraged folks to be mindful of their productivity. No dawdling, no pissing around. Effective action. But I'd like to think big picture. Sending ideas out to the Universe.

1. time to recover from being sick - AGAIN
2. working with good people in the catering world
3. finalizing and beginning new wedding ceremonies
4. finding gold strappy heels to go with some dresses for weddings
5. finding a replacement pianist for my upcoming cabaret. he's going to be great

1. time and energy to write the blog posts in my head
2. more connection with the wedding community
3. a date
4. to be fully decongested
5. a better social circle

Have any of your own? Feel free to add them below. We will support and celebrate you!