Friday, September 13, 2013

Solemn Friday Gratitudes!

This evening marks the beginning of Yom Kippur. The Day of Atonement. While I am a very spiritual person, the Jewish Holidays bring me to a solemn place. A place of ancient religion that I followed as a child. I don't usually go to synagogue, but prefer to honor the holiday in a more personal way. Reflecting on who I am as a person and the strength of my actions and how they affect others. With that in mind, I offer my gratitudes and a grander list of desires.

1. performing my 12th wedding ceremony today before I jump into the holiday
2. the guy who gave me the napkin from his coffee when I asked so I could wipe my drippy allergy-ridden nose
3. moving forward on my attempt to get out of catering by the end of the year
4. sunshine and light breezes
5. catching up on my TV shows, podcasts and book reading

1. people having more awareness for those around them
2. a quick and safe end to all US conflicts
3. actually going on the 3 trips I have mentally planned in 2014
4. regularly taking action to widen my social circle and make my business thrive
5. the strength to make the best choices for the well-being of my family and myself.

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