Friday, August 23, 2013

A Little Gratitude

Another sunny day in the Big Apple. This week was a quiet work week, so I have made an effort to do something to promote my business or develop my skills every day. I cannot tell you how important it is to get yourself out there. As a Taurus, I am not a fan of change. The problem is without it, you're just stuck where you are. Here are the things I am grateful for this week, followed by an updated desire list.

1. those who came out to my cabaret on Sunday
2. my friend Amy who continually pushes and challenges me to think bigger and better
3. two additional pending wedding couples
4. satisfying TV shows - specifically The Wire and House of Cards
5. sunny, breezy days

Things I Desire:
1. Energy and drive to write an engaging blog post
2. a date
3. regular vacations and travel opportunities
4. a better social circle
5. strong collaborators

And you? Anything to add for yourself? Feel free to shout it loud and proud in the COMMENT section below.

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