Friday, September 6, 2013

Almost forgot the Friday gratitudes!

For the first time, I not only almost forgot to share my gratitudes, but I didn't event want to write them. I literally let out an audible "oh, no" before I sat down to catch up on my Late Night with Jimmy Fallon episodes. That's when I realized I needed to reflect even more. So, without further ado...

1. a boat ride on the channel at a family friends' house before Rosh Hashana dinner
2. 3 pending weddings for the remainder of this year - oooh, so close to my goal
3. getting to marry couples. I love my job.
4. having fun with my nephew
5. surprise catering gigs to help pay the bills

What I'd Like - yeah, these are mostly the same from last week...
1. the drive to move forward on the Zen Bride
2. to finally launch my new website
3. the energy and mental strength to return to a home yoga practice
4. continue to expand my social circle
5. finding a less demanding side business as my business grows.

All right, add yours if'n you want. You know the drill. Have a great weekend!

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