Friday, August 16, 2013

Sunny Friday Gratitudes

This week went much faster than expected. I had some unexpected catering gigs and then filled the rest with a training, a meeting, writing some wedding ceremonies and trying to get rid of this stinkin' sickness. But there's plenty to be thankful for.

1. the sunny sunshine
2. the people and resources at The Actors Fund
3. Amy Banks for her talent and patience
4. not so early morning so I can sleep and recover
5. coffee

It looks like I need to post my desires above my work space since I really didn't make any headway with any of them this week. So here they are again.

1. time and energy to write the blog posts in my head
2. more connection with the wedding community
3. a date
4. to be fully decongested
5. a better social circle

Want to share your gratitudes or desires? Feel free to add in the comment section below. Happy Friday!


  1. here's mine--
    gratitude: the training working, as evident by an invigorating free-floating sirsasana 2 with baddha konasana legs

    desire: ditto on the better social circle, and would go so far as to desire more fulfilling relationships with my friends

    hope you feel better soooonn!!

  2. how exciting on sirsasana! and yes, let's talk about ways to have more satisfying relationships! xo
