Saturday, June 15, 2013

Surprisingly sunny Friday gratitudes

I brought my umbrella on my work adventures today, but instead needed my sunglasses. Thanks weather forecasters.

Here are some gratitudes I'd like to share this week.
1. my snuggly Maxie for joining me in mourning Lincoln. I have surprisingly been okay. Maxie less so.
2. lots of work. Both of the catering and the wedding variety
3. a great meeting with Amy Height, a passionate health coach. We have lots of collaboration ideas. Watch out!
4. Ester-C, my neti pot and soup. A bout in the rain and weird weather this week threw a cold my way. Knock on whatever that I will not be down for the count.
5. A lovely message from one of my past grooms in response to an email I sent to all of my past couples. It is yet another confirmation that I am on the right path.

And you? Something to share? Please share your gratitudes (or just ONE) in the comment section below.

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