Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Gratitudes A to Z: Let's start at the very beginning - A

It's so much easier to bitch and vent than share the good things, isn't it? To remind myself that the world and my little existence is not half bad, I do a weekly gratitude list on the blog. I used to do one every day, but heck, it's hard enough to remember the weekly one. A few months ago, my friend Tommy Housworth suggested I do a list highlighting each letter of the alphabet - in gratitudes. Check his out here. I've been dragging my feet since it's a huge challenge. So, I'm just diving in and keeping the expectations low. If my list is small, so be it.


Apples: They are not only one of my favorite fruits, but they are an excellent vehicle for peanut butter! They also show up in a few of the lessons I use in the classroom to teach kids about healthy eating. Just 2 weeks ago we discussed the values of buying local apples vs. those shipping in from, say, New Zealand. I'm lucky to live in the Big Apple!

Atlanta: While I was born and raised in New York, I feel like that I grew up in Atlanta. It softened my rough edges, forced me to slow down and the people I met offered more opportunities than I can count. It's a true community that I have not been able to find elsewhere.

Anatomy: My love for anatomy started in high school as I became an aerobic instructor and certainly came in handy teaching The Fundamentals of Movement at UC Davis and during my yoga certification training. The human body is fascinating and unfortunately many people do not know about their own and how it works.

Arnica: I bruise easily - and I'm clumsy. I use arnica topically so I don't look like I'm abused on a regular basis. 

And this is where I draw a blank - even looking through the dictionary. Yes, I confess I opened the dictionary! So I decided to add as I go. If one pops in my head, even if I already completed that letter, I will add to the list. See, lowered expectation leads to less frustration.

Have an 'A' gratitude or two? Feel free to add your own in the COMMENT section below.

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