Monday, June 17, 2013

Gratitudes A to Z: Can I get a B!

The blog has been pretty quiet lately. I do have lots to say, but I find it difficult expanding my thoughts over 140 characters. There's ideas ruminating, but the writing is hard.  I tell a great story and if I could get someone to transcribe my many yappings, I'd be set. But my desk is clear and I'm caught up with my administrative duties, so I'm sitting down once again to catch up on the blog. My goal is to do these alphabet gratitudes once a week. Let's see how I do.

Give me a B...thanks!

Beer: I am not a huge beer drinker, but since it's been a little warm here in NY, a cold frosty brew is super refreshing. I also worked the Brewer's Association conference over the weekend, so I've got beer on the brain.

Blogs: I have not had too much time to keep up on many, but I do enjoy the blog format. It's a great way to keep up with friends and strangers on various topics. I have a blog list on the left margin of my blog. But I also tend to read LearnVest, Unclutterer and Apartment Therapy regularly, as well.

Beaches: The one main reason I left Atlanta was the fact that it was landlocked. I grew up close to the water and a rocky beach. While I do live close to the Hudson River now here in NY, getting to the beach is a little more difficult. I need to make the time to go. I am a much happier person with the sun on my face and my feet in the wet sand.

Beets: Gosh, I love beets. They are like little veggie candy. Full of vitamins and minerals, but gosh they are messy. They are always the source of a laugh or two especially blood related with beet juice on the fingers during food prep. Not to get too graphic, but since the betanin (or red color) does not process in the body but appears in the urine and stool, there have been quite a few mistaken health scares. And one embarrassing doctor's visit. Sigh.

Boots: I forgot what it's like to live in the north. I spent many years not needing boots. I now have two pairs that kept my feet nice and toasty during the winter months.

Blue skies: Every time I see a clear blue sky I think, "What a perfect day to jump out of a plane!" In fact when I went sky diving in 2007, there was not a cloud in the sky. I am grateful for those days when the sun is shining and the sky is a bright blue. It's like anything can happen and positivity is in the air.

Barefoot: heck, I wrote a blog post on it. Read it, here.

Books: I am not currently on a reading spree, but I do love books. I am taking a break from reading Game of Thrones and the Jaycee Dugard book. I have found my subway rides are great for lots and lots of reading. I did look at my bookcase and all of the books that I'm not reading or may never use again since I don't teach acting or dance anymore. But I am certainly not ready to give them up quite yet.

Bartering: For some reason my brain goes to bartering first over money. Lately I've had to weigh my time vs. money spent, but over the years I've bartered hair and make-up for food, and yoga for ukelele lessons. I love that exchange.

Okay, I am back looking in the dictionary, so I will end it here, but add on if I can think of any great additions.


Baths: I love 'em, so why don't I take them more often. Perhaps it's the summer time and the thought of sitting in hot water makes me uncomfortable. But talk about a great stress reliever? Yeah, baths do that. And so good for your body with some epsom salt and lavendar. Ahhhhhhhhhh.

Have any of your own? Add them below in the comment section!

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