Friday, June 28, 2013

Dog days Friday Gratitudes!

Last night as I came home I grabbed my mail from the box and pulled out a letter from the Circuit Court of Loudoun County, VA. I put in a petition to officiate the wedding ceremony for my friend Jamie from grad school and it was DENIED. I just about freaked out and didn't sleep well last night. I woke up early and after 3 phone calls, I finally got to a clerk who basically said it was a dead issue. Two minutes later Jamie returned my phone call and I passed the news on. She took it well. Much better than expected. It's days like these that make me 1. consider a more in-depth ordination process and 2. miss my uncle, the rabbi.

Here are things I'm grateful for this week:
1. air conditioning on public transportation
2. my friend Amy for agreeing to stay at my place to watch Maxie when I'm gone
3. the last bits of catering work before a break in July and possibly August
4. time to do laundry
5. the time I did spend with my uncle. I will channel his energy and insight as I perform my first wedding ceremony with major Jewish elements in a few weeks
6. spending time with my beautiful nephew on Monday
7. connection with more wedding professionals this week and teaching a few of them yoga in the Park

Have something you're thankful for this week? Feel free to add it below in the COMMENT section.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

GUEST POST: Finding Your ‘Why’ When it Comes to Food

The following is a post by holistic health coach, Amy Height. We met for iced tea on a hot day as she just moved up to Upper Manhattan. We talked about our past in the arts and our current passion of motivating people to live healthier lives. Welcome Amy!


There are countless factors in play when it comes to how we eat. Making a change to diet or lifestyle can be daunting; so much so, in fact, that most of us elect to remain inactive, opting for ease and familiarity rather than challenge or change.

For many, the desire to make a change is rooted in "what things will be like" on the other side. Inaction is the paralyzing fear that the sacrifice, the work, the effort won't be worth it. That we will fail, or worse, miss out on something good -- and that won't be worth it either.

If these worries are holding you back, consider instead the impact of making this change across our entire life. What will making this change mean for you? What will you gain from it?

Do you want to lose 10 pounds? Do you want more energy? Do you want to prevent disease? Do you want to be able to run up the stairs or pick up your kids or finally rid yourself of digestive upset? You can. You just need that ONE CLEAR REASON in mind to push you forward. What will that change mean for you? What will it add to your life? Moments of envy, frustration, doubt, or desire will be far more bearable when we have a big-picture motivator to keep us moving in the direction we intend.

In my practice, I work a great deal with people looking to overcome emotional eating and rebuild their relationship with food. Changing food habits means we need to get in touch with why we eat the way we do. This means considering why we associate certain foods with certain situations, looking at the connection between food and mood, and tuning into the signals our bodies provide. It can be overwhelming. There is a lot of information there, both physically and emotionally. When we start to look closely at our choices – really give ourselves space to think about the choices we make – we begin to find opportunities hidden in our patterns that will permit us to break through. The key is taking a step off the ledge, acknowledging that we wish to make a change, and choosing to actively do so.

Keeping that goal in the forefront provides constant motivation and a rubric against which we can assess our choices: is this in line with where I want to go and who I want to be? Will this choice guide me closer to that goal? Know that you can make any change you want to, and that your reasons for doing so are valid, strong, and impactful.

If you’re looking for a clear place to start, these five ideas may help to stay motivated when it comes to making changes to food:

- identify your trigger foods: these are the things you can't turn down and the ones that usually leave you feeling less than great. Start to make the connection between mind, body, and food.
find substitutions you enjoy: the more good stuff there is in your diet – and your life in general – the less room there is for the more undesirable stuff. ‘Crowd out’ foods that don’t fuel your body with a variety of ones that do (and ones you enjoy).
- keep your big picture goal in mind: post it somewhere you will see it often (perhaps the wallpaper on your smartphone)
don't deprive yourself: when you choose to partake in a treat, allow yourself to enjoy it fully. Guilt only exacerbates feelings of deprivation – and that’s not what we’re after! Flexibility and balance will serve you far more effectively.
surround yourself with people and situations that support you: again, ‘crowd out’ negativity with as much positive energy as you can find. How do these interactions nourish you in ways food cannot?
be open to new things: embrace adventure and exploration with your food.
remember that there is not one diet that works for everyone: be open to tapping into your body’s intuition. It will tell you what it needs.

Each time we take action, we must first make a decision. Set that big-picture intention, keep it in mind, and maintain a strong attachment to it to guide the decisions you make. Then let things unfold as they will and revel in how great you feel for doing it.

Amy Height is a holistic health coach, yogi, runner, blogger and sometimes-stage manager living in New York City. She is a huge fan of ethical eating and leading a sustainable lifestyle, working with clients to incorporate good for them/good for the planet practices into each day. She spends much of her free time experimenting in the kitchen, on a constant mission to reestablish her own relationship with food while helping her clients to do the same. She is a contributor to and regularly blogs about food, life and positive things at her website,

Friday, June 21, 2013

First Friday of Summer Gratitudes!

Hey it's Friday, it's sunny and not only are all my dishes done, but I am doing my gratitudes in the AFTERNOON! I didn't forget. I guess 'thank yous' are on my mind. Here are mine for the week.

1. being able to see the bottom of my kitchen sink
2. being able to do most of my wedding work from home
3. Karen Stone for gathering a group of great ladies - which forced me to leave my apartment
4. a week of great weather
5. booking another wedding couple this week. I'm at 12 of my 15 couple goal! Huzzah

And you? Where are you grateful? Please share JUST ONE below. Go.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Gratitudes A to Z: Can I get a B!

The blog has been pretty quiet lately. I do have lots to say, but I find it difficult expanding my thoughts over 140 characters. There's ideas ruminating, but the writing is hard.  I tell a great story and if I could get someone to transcribe my many yappings, I'd be set. But my desk is clear and I'm caught up with my administrative duties, so I'm sitting down once again to catch up on the blog. My goal is to do these alphabet gratitudes once a week. Let's see how I do.

Give me a B...thanks!

Beer: I am not a huge beer drinker, but since it's been a little warm here in NY, a cold frosty brew is super refreshing. I also worked the Brewer's Association conference over the weekend, so I've got beer on the brain.

Blogs: I have not had too much time to keep up on many, but I do enjoy the blog format. It's a great way to keep up with friends and strangers on various topics. I have a blog list on the left margin of my blog. But I also tend to read LearnVest, Unclutterer and Apartment Therapy regularly, as well.

Beaches: The one main reason I left Atlanta was the fact that it was landlocked. I grew up close to the water and a rocky beach. While I do live close to the Hudson River now here in NY, getting to the beach is a little more difficult. I need to make the time to go. I am a much happier person with the sun on my face and my feet in the wet sand.

Beets: Gosh, I love beets. They are like little veggie candy. Full of vitamins and minerals, but gosh they are messy. They are always the source of a laugh or two especially blood related with beet juice on the fingers during food prep. Not to get too graphic, but since the betanin (or red color) does not process in the body but appears in the urine and stool, there have been quite a few mistaken health scares. And one embarrassing doctor's visit. Sigh.

Boots: I forgot what it's like to live in the north. I spent many years not needing boots. I now have two pairs that kept my feet nice and toasty during the winter months.

Blue skies: Every time I see a clear blue sky I think, "What a perfect day to jump out of a plane!" In fact when I went sky diving in 2007, there was not a cloud in the sky. I am grateful for those days when the sun is shining and the sky is a bright blue. It's like anything can happen and positivity is in the air.

Barefoot: heck, I wrote a blog post on it. Read it, here.

Books: I am not currently on a reading spree, but I do love books. I am taking a break from reading Game of Thrones and the Jaycee Dugard book. I have found my subway rides are great for lots and lots of reading. I did look at my bookcase and all of the books that I'm not reading or may never use again since I don't teach acting or dance anymore. But I am certainly not ready to give them up quite yet.

Bartering: For some reason my brain goes to bartering first over money. Lately I've had to weigh my time vs. money spent, but over the years I've bartered hair and make-up for food, and yoga for ukelele lessons. I love that exchange.

Okay, I am back looking in the dictionary, so I will end it here, but add on if I can think of any great additions.


Baths: I love 'em, so why don't I take them more often. Perhaps it's the summer time and the thought of sitting in hot water makes me uncomfortable. But talk about a great stress reliever? Yeah, baths do that. And so good for your body with some epsom salt and lavendar. Ahhhhhhhhhh.

Have any of your own? Add them below in the comment section!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Surprisingly sunny Friday gratitudes

I brought my umbrella on my work adventures today, but instead needed my sunglasses. Thanks weather forecasters.

Here are some gratitudes I'd like to share this week.
1. my snuggly Maxie for joining me in mourning Lincoln. I have surprisingly been okay. Maxie less so.
2. lots of work. Both of the catering and the wedding variety
3. a great meeting with Amy Height, a passionate health coach. We have lots of collaboration ideas. Watch out!
4. Ester-C, my neti pot and soup. A bout in the rain and weird weather this week threw a cold my way. Knock on whatever that I will not be down for the count.
5. A lovely message from one of my past grooms in response to an email I sent to all of my past couples. It is yet another confirmation that I am on the right path.

And you? Something to share? Please share your gratitudes (or just ONE) in the comment section below.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday thanks for LINCOLN!

It's a rainy day in NY and by gosh I'm thankful for a lot of things.

1. the joy my sweet boy Lincoln gave me for the past 15 years. I said a sad farewell to him this morning but I know he's no longer in pain or suffering.
2. the kind people on the train on my way to the vet who saw me at my worst and wished us well
3. all of the people who gave Lincoln a bit of love, snuggles, a scratch under the chin and some tuna over the years.
4. the respectful and compassionate staff at Inwood Animal Clinic for making a difficult thing, a lot less difficult
5. all of the hugs and kind words from folks on Facebook when I posted about Lincoln
6. Eric, Keri, Angela and Kate who called or texted to check in with me
7. my pain in the ass cat, Maxie for staying by my side today

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Gratitudes A to Z: Let's start at the very beginning - A

It's so much easier to bitch and vent than share the good things, isn't it? To remind myself that the world and my little existence is not half bad, I do a weekly gratitude list on the blog. I used to do one every day, but heck, it's hard enough to remember the weekly one. A few months ago, my friend Tommy Housworth suggested I do a list highlighting each letter of the alphabet - in gratitudes. Check his out here. I've been dragging my feet since it's a huge challenge. So, I'm just diving in and keeping the expectations low. If my list is small, so be it.


Apples: They are not only one of my favorite fruits, but they are an excellent vehicle for peanut butter! They also show up in a few of the lessons I use in the classroom to teach kids about healthy eating. Just 2 weeks ago we discussed the values of buying local apples vs. those shipping in from, say, New Zealand. I'm lucky to live in the Big Apple!

Atlanta: While I was born and raised in New York, I feel like that I grew up in Atlanta. It softened my rough edges, forced me to slow down and the people I met offered more opportunities than I can count. It's a true community that I have not been able to find elsewhere.

Anatomy: My love for anatomy started in high school as I became an aerobic instructor and certainly came in handy teaching The Fundamentals of Movement at UC Davis and during my yoga certification training. The human body is fascinating and unfortunately many people do not know about their own and how it works.

Arnica: I bruise easily - and I'm clumsy. I use arnica topically so I don't look like I'm abused on a regular basis. 

And this is where I draw a blank - even looking through the dictionary. Yes, I confess I opened the dictionary! So I decided to add as I go. If one pops in my head, even if I already completed that letter, I will add to the list. See, lowered expectation leads to less frustration.

Have an 'A' gratitude or two? Feel free to add your own in the COMMENT section below.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Steamy Saturday Gratitudes

Okay, I'm not gonna lie like I did in past weeks and change the post date. It's Saturday and with a crazy day with my students' dinner party at Gracie Mansion last evening, I completely forgot to post the gratitudes. It was a hard day with lots of challenges and I think it oozed over to today since I snapped at 2 servers at the catering job this evening. That's a first. And I hope that I am not now known as the bitchy chef. Anywhoo, lots to be thankful for. Here's just a few.

1. Booking the last 3 couples I consulted with to officiate their weddings
2. having a very successful photo shoot for The Zen Bride
3. scheduling my next cabaret for August
4. walking around Gracie Mansion like a boss
5. people who appreciate me and offer to assist

There's got to be something you are grateful for. Please take a moment to add JUST ONE below in the comment section.
