Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Chakras Explained – SACRAL

The chakras are a band of energy flowing through the midline of the body. They follow the line of the spine, if that helps solidify the ideas around energy – or something that may be FELT, but not seen.

There are 7 chakras in the body, just as there 7 sets of glands in the body. Two weeks ago we tackled the root chakra. Today we discuss the second:


When I was first introduced to the chakras, I called the second one the “Belly” Chakra. However, when I asked my students to place their hands on their belly, they set them on their 3rd Chakra – the solar plexus – and not the second. Using the word “belly” is not specific enough. While many people may not know where their sacrum is, it becomes a great teaching moment.

The second chakra (or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit) is located two finger widths below the belly button. Place your hand there, close your eyes and take three full and complete breaths.

What do you feel? With FEEL being the operative word here.

The sacral chakra is the center of our feelings and creativity. It nurtures the birthing of ideas, artistic endevours and children. This is where our social connection and sensuality stems from, along with our awareness of living in the present moment – the “now.”

If the root is about survival, the sacral is slightly more developed. With the introduction of feelings, svadhisthana focuses on our inner child. What feels good to our body and mind.

If all is well, you may feel confidence, happiness and the flow of creative juices. You have strong relationships and have a healthy desire for sex, pleasure and life.

If you are prone to eating disorders, low back pain, depression, yeast infections or impotency, there’s a good chance that there’s an imbalance in svadhisthana.

So, if you need to open the flow of your sacral energy center, what do you do?

1. BELLY DANCE! No, you don’t need zills or to bare your midriff (but that may help!) just channel your inner god or goddess and shake your hips. I totally recommend typing in “belly dance music” on Youtube to find some great inspiration and just let loose!

2.  Take a hot BATH or a soak in a hot tub. The sacral chakra is associated with the element of water. The flowing quality of water will allow the energy to flow.

3. EAT sensual foods. Warm, gooey chocolate; juicy peaches, fresh asparagus. What we find sensual may differ greatly. You know what you like. Experiment and have fun. Solo or with your partner!

4. MEDITATE. Using the mantra, “I allow pleasure, sweetness, and sensuality into my life” find stillness for at least 10 minutes and send your energy and awareness into your second chakra.

5. Do YOGA. When teaching a class focusing on svadhithana I tend to teach hip openers. Gomukasana, Pigeon, Baddha Konasana and Wide Legged Forward Fold.

6. Challenge your CREATIVITY. Satisfy your inner child and grab some paints or some colored pencils and doodle. Or if writing's your thing, weave an epic tale. Don't censor yourself. Allow yourself to dream and imagine, then put it to paper or canvas!

It should be no surprise that the glands associated with the sacral chakra are the gonads – the testes in the male and the ovaries in the female. In males, the testes, located in the scrotum, secrete hormones called androgens including testosterone. These hormones affect the male characteristics of sexual development, growth of facial hair and pubic hair, as well as sperm production. In females, the ovaries, located on both sides of the uterus, produce estrogen and progesterone as well as eggs. These hormones control the development of female traits and they are also involved in reproductive functions.

How open is your sacral energy center? What do you do to keep the energy flowing? Feel free to use the comment section below to share your thoughts, opinions and questions.

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