Friday, November 9, 2012

Learning Something New 1

After each wedding ceremony I perform, I always learn something new. The first one taught me to encourage pre-marital counseling. And after that it's been a mix. Sometimes I learn things that clients need, and other times I get an education on things I need to bring into future experiences.

Today, I officiated the ceremony of a lovely couple from California. I got nervous on the train ride over, but was strong as a bull once I arrived. I made a plan with the DJ since there were a few unanswered questions about the procession and the recession (including using the couple's DOG!) and checked in with the event planner about the marriage license.

So, the first thing I learned today is:

1. You MUST remind the couple to place the marriage license IN whatever bag they are using the day of the wedding.

Needless to say, the license was left at the hotel, so now I have to meet the bride and groom and their 2 witnesses  tomorrow to make it legal.

When I met with the bride in her bridal suite, she was very quiet and very nervous. Since she was alone  and had no bridesmaids, I sat with her for a while and asked her about the last few days. Being able to share stories certainly opened her up and relaxed her a bit. However, I had to take care of other things, so I asked her if there was someone else she would like to join her. After she told me, I made it my personal mission to find this person and bring her to the bride.

So the second thing I learned was:

2. In stressful times, make sure you are surrounded with those that ease the tension. Talk you down from the anxiety and make you laugh. And do whatever it takes to keep yourself safe from those who will stress you out or will not be there for you.

Once the groom arrived with the dog and the rings, we were ready to go. However, he was even more nervous than the bride was. Right before the ceremony he was drinking a gin and tonic, but he was still a wreck and the drink was not helping. All of a sudden he said, "I want to run a lap." So I encouraged him to do it. His friend lead him out in front of the venue and they ran down the street!

When he came back, he was a changed man. Not only was he NOT out of breath, but he was completely calm and ready.

And lastly, it was confirmed to:

3. Listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs - be it rest or exercise or a gin and tonic!

Under the chuppah, the couple faced each other and grasped hands. All was well and they were totally there for each other. A beautiful thing to witness as they begin the next stage of their life together.

Many congratulations to another happy couple!

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