Thursday, November 22, 2012

The BIG Daddy - Gratitude Thursday

I decided to do these weekly gratitudes on Thursdays since both gRatitde and ThuRsday both had Rs in them. Swear to god. In fact Thursday is the only day that has an R. It was not until after the first list was posted that I realized that it would correspond with the mac daddy of gratitude days, Thanksgiving.

There is lots of controversy around this holiday. The commercialism, the treatment of the Native Americans, excess when so many are fighting for survival. Even still, I can say it's one of my favorite holidays. While I will spend the morning with my parents watching the parade, I am working for the first time on this holiday. I'll be in the kitchen of someone else's house today and tomorrow I head to my parents house on LI for family festivities.

This year has been about transitions and starting again. Not easy. But there are still many things for which to be grateful.

1. an invitation to see the Macys Thanksgiving Day parade on the parade route!
2. generous support from those around me
3. my furry nubbins, Lincoln and Maxie
4. a warm apartment to call my own
5. living in a city that never sleeps

Your turn. What are you thankful for?

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