Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Chakras Explained - CROWN

After starting this series of posts last December, we finally reach #7 - the Crown or Sahasrara in sanskrit. The crown chakra is located at the top of the head or hovering just above. This energy center holds our aspiration, spirituality, inspiration and wisdom. While our Root connects us to the strength of the Earth, I like to think of the Crown connecting us to the world around us - both people and things. Yes, this is the most woo-woo of chakras, but that's where the inspiration and wisdom come from. You know you can feel it, you just may not be able to express them in the groundedness of words.

If you have empathy for others, a strong connection to a higher power (dare I say 'god') or a sense of balance in your subconscious and conscious self, there's a good chance that Sahasrara is open and healthy. But if your head is 'in the clouds' most of the time, you find it difficult to see the 'big picture' or have sensitivity to light and sound, your Crown may need a little cleansing. So, how do you do that, you may ask? You know, open your mind? With many people walking around staring at electronic devices, we've become a little self-centered. So, first off, PUT YOUR SMARTPHONES and E-READERS AWAY. Look up and be present in the world.  If you still feel disconnected, here are some ways you can balance your crown.

1. Meditate. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and bring your energy and awareness to the top of your head - your crown. As you breathe, allow an imaginary cord or a series of tendrils to extend out into the universe. Know that you are not alone in the world, but part of the wonder, strength and power of those around you.

2. Volunteer. There's nothing that can help bring perspective than giving your time to help others. Choose a population or a cause where you are passionate and ask them how you can be of service.

3. Surround yourself with VIOLET. The color most associated with Sahasrara is violet. So wear violet clothes, borrow or buy some amethyst jewelry, or if scent is more your style, dab some lavender essential oil on your wrists and temples.

4. Do yoga. When teaching a class that focuses on the crown, I make sure to do headstand (or a beginner variation) and everyone's favorite Savasana (corpse pose).

5. Try a little AFFIRMATION. Write "I am complete and one with divine energy" on your bathroom mirror or above your word space and read it aloud each time you see the phrase.

As we know each of the chakras are paired with a gland in the body and the crown is no exception. Sahasrara is ruled by the pineal gland. It is located in the brain and produces several important hormones including melatonin, which influences sexual development and sleep cycles.

How open is your crown? Anything work to help balance yours? If so, please share below in the comment section.

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