Sunday, July 14, 2013

Gratitudes A to Z: Give me a C, a bouncy C!

The dog days of summer have really taken a toll. Lots of catering work, temps in the 90s and a little jaunt to the Maritime Provinces of Canada left little time or energy. I have not tackled the alphabet gratitudes weekly, nor have I been blogging regularly. While this week is crazy, I do plan to have daily office hours the following week - with regular blog and social media posts. Watch out!

In the meantime, here's a little gratitude in the 'C' Department

Cats: I really do think I'm a cat whisperer. There, I've said it. While I have my own cat, Maximillian, there's something about the cat energy that I find immensely fascinating. Amazing focus, the ability to turn on a dime. They usually laid back and cool - a quality for which I strive.

Cameras: While there's nothing like the naked eye and fully taking in an experience, the camera can at least capture the moment and help you remember.

Chocolate: Gosh, I love it. I was raised on milk, but have come to appreciate dark over the last few years. Perhaps it's because of all the supposed health benefits, but truthfully I don't care. A simple piece of chocolate can make everything better. And if it's covering an espresso bean, all the better.

Coffee: I started drinking coffee working at the now defunct Lamb's Theatre here in NY during college. I started drinking it light and sweet and iced at the beginning of the summer and drank it hot and black by the end. Now, I'm a coffee snob. Perhaps it's due to my time on the West Coast, but I am picky. I like brewing it myself in my french press with a little soy milk. I am not an addict, but I do usually have coffee every morning.

Computers: They really have changed our lives, non? A little email, a little streaming TV, social media and the ability to write, save and file documents - all at our fingertips. Amazing.

Candles: While I don't have a lot of 'stuff' anymore since I live in a super small apartment, I do still have a number of candles. I like them for their sense of ritual. Bumping up the ordinary for something special. An extra glow, perhaps some scent - it somehow allows time to slow and be more present.

That's all I can think of right now. But I will continue to add if others pop up. Feel free to add yours in the comment section below.

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