Thursday, January 3, 2013

First Thursday Gratitude!

This year is gonna be a good one. I just feel it. There's an energy of potential. Of possibilities. Like the seeds that were planted years and month before have started to take root and will soon be pushing through the surface.

Kind of exciting, non?

Makes you appreciate people and things around you. At least that's how I feel.

Here's my GRATITUDE LIST for this week:
1. a wonderful visit from great friends, Angela & Chris
2. old friend, Julia for including me in her NYE plans
3. new friends, Armando and Vasia for including me in New Year's Day plans
4. yoga
5. a city full of great food - both in and out of homes

Please join in the sharing and ADD yours below in the COMMENT section.

Happy New Year!


1 comment:

  1. I feel the same potential as well Hope. Maybe there has been some sort of shift in consciousness after all, or a "lightening up" with the passing of 2012... There was an intensity to it that few of us are fully willing to admit I think.

    My gratitude lies in friendships, old and new (including YOU!), creative renewal, fresh focus and commitment, my new husband (one of the most precious human beings on this planet) and last but not least, the end of my stubborn holiday cough!

    Thanks for your post Hope and here's to a big and bright year ahead!

