Thursday, December 27, 2012

More gratitudes

Today is the last Thursday of 2012, and therefore also the last Gratitude blog list for the year. I am very excited for the year to come. As I am making my little mark in New York, I feel the possibilities abound. I do my best to feel that positivity over the cold and raininess, the homeless on the subway and one aging kitty. And so far it's working.

Theses are the things I'm grateful for this week.

1. the ability to teach yoga yesterday. In fact I taught two classes as the snow came down.
2. catering leftovers
3. warm boots. They're warm AND fuzzy. And they keep my tootsies dry
4. pending wedding couples. While I'd prefer they be confirmed wedding couples, I'll take the pending over none at all.
5. snuggling kitties

And you? What are you grateful for? Add it to the COMMENT section below.


  1. I'm grateful for my friends and family who helped me through a very tough year. Next year WILL be a better one!

    1. Thanks for sharing, Yvette. I join your friends and family in sending lots of good thoughts and best wishes for the new year! Your positivity will guide you well.
