Monday, January 7, 2013

The Chakras Explained – HEART

We’re halfway there as we reach the heart. The fourth energy center is located in the center of the chest and the mid-back. Called Anahata in Sanskrit it translates as ‘un-beaten’ or ‘unhurt.’ I find this translation very interesting since we all clearly know the sensation of our heart feeling hurt and broken. However the yogis relate this energy center to the sound created without striking. A celestial sound. I like to think of it as the sound created as the 3 lower chakra meet with the 3 upper chakra. The more physical with the more spiritual. And they do so in the heart.

Anahata is where we keep our love, compassion, trust and acceptance. Yup, it’s a doozy. Therefore if you experience feelings of shyness and loneliness, an inability to forgive or a lack of empathy there may be some blockage in the chakra.

Place your hands in the center of your chest. Close your eyes and take 4 full and easy breaths.

What do you feel? What do you see?

If this center feels open and abundant, great. However if you lack compassion, have issues of jealousy or co-dependence you may want to take a moment to shake things up.

So, what are some ways you can do that?

1. Go out in NATURE. The heart chakra is associated with the color green. Rolling fields, blossoming trees, beautiful gardens.

2. Get a MASSAGE! As touch is the sense associated with anahata, indulge in a little body work. Or if you’re in a treating mood, give your partner a massage and enjoy the sense of touch.

3. Practice YOGA. When I teach a heart centered practice, I focus on opening the chest and movement of the arms. Ustrasana (camel pose) works wonders along with Gomukasana and Garudasana arms.

4. MEDITATE. Sit with the eyes closed in stillness for at least 15 minutes. Use the mantra “I am loved,” “I deserve love,” or “I send compassion to those around me.”

5. Perform a random act of KINDNESS. It could be anything. Opening the door for a stranger, smiling at a neighbor, buying coffee for the person behind you in line. A little generosity goes a long way.

As each of the chakras is connected to a gland in the endocrine system, Anahata is associated with the thymus gland, located in the chest. This gland produces white blood cells, that combat disease, and bring equilibrium to the body.

So, what’s going on in your heart? How do you keep it open and accepting? What fears keep it blocked?

Would love to hear your thoughts in the COMMENT section below.


  1. i recently had my first reiki session. the practitioner said that he felt a sort of dance happening between my solar plexus, heart and throat chakras. specifically, that my heart needs more attention. he related it as jumping over my heart when emotions arise from my solar plexus, and going directly into expression with all of my self-protection mechanisms in play. he suggested that i give attention to communicating with compassion and vulnerability. while i know that i have a great deal of compassion, i do acknowledge that my speech does not always reflect that. but more importantly, i found, is the repeated realization that vulnerability is extremely difficult for me. perhaps a good intention to focus on for a while in my practice.

  2. That's a beautiful revelation. I don't have much experience with reiki, but have found it mad powerful in the past. I'm excited to hear about the reflection and journey of getting in touch with your heart. Sending massive amounts of compassion and vulnerability your way. xo
