Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Chakras Explained – SOLAR

As we travel north in the body, we reach the third chakra. The solar plexus. If you want to go back and read about the first two before you proceed, you can find them in the list to the right.


The solar or belly chakra (called Manipura in Sanskrit) is located two inches above the belly button and is the center for our personal power. As we started with basic instinct with the root and added simple pleasures with the sacral, with the 3rd energy center we now bring in the understanding of the self and the ego. It’s not just about what we need, but we begin to take steps to manifest choices for our bodies and minds.

Take a moment and put your hand on your belly. The upper belly. Close your eyes and take 3 full and complete breaths.

What do you see?

Yeah, yeah, I know your eyes were closed, so what did you imagine? Manipura is associated with our sight as we continue to reach out in the world in which we live. There is also much intelligence in the 3rd Chakra, and is the center of our “gut” reactions.

If feeling and seeing did not make this clear, Manipura is the center of our self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation; it also governs digestion and metabolism. A healthy, spirited third chakra supports us in overcoming our obstacles, so that we can take risks, assert our will, and assume responsibility for our life. If all is well, we should be able to engage in deep belly laughter and share warmth, ease, and the vitality we receive from our selfless service.

If you have a hard time creating personal boundaries, fear rejection, have a low self image, have difficulty making decisions and are easily tired throughout the day, there’s a good chance your manipura is blocked.

As this chakra is also linked to the pancreas, any issues you’re experiencing in your stomach, abdomen, upper GI tract, liver, gallbladder and kidney could be attributed to blockage in manipura.

Feeling a little sluggish in your 3rd Chakra? Here’s a few ways to get your solar energy moving.

1. SIT in the SUN. It’s not called the solar chakra for nothin’. This center is also governed by the element fire, so a little warmth and a bit of Vitamin D go a long way.

2. Try some BREATH of FIRE. I really need to start making video blog posts, but until I do, I will recommend some good ones.
You may feel very silly, but it will bring heat and energy into your belly.

3. Practice YOGA. A little Warrior 1, 2 & 3 will certainly begin to open your solar plexus. When teaching a class on the 3rd Chakra, I also tend to do Navasana (Boat), Cobra, Dhanurasana (Bow) and all belly twists.

4. Get YELLOW. As the 3rd Chakra is associated with the color yellow, sometimes we need to find more ways to bring that color into our lives. Clothing, accessories, decorative items in your home or perhaps eat some yellow foods. Bananas, pineapple, corn, peppers, lemons, etc. In this instance, you want to be a ‘yellow belly!’

5. Participate in an active SPORT. Have fun, trust yourself and play to win!

6. LAUGH. Hang with fun friends, watch a funny movie, encourage a buddy to tell you a joke, or tell one yourself. It's makes a body good.

What’s going on in your Solar Chakra? Anything ring true? Please share your comments, questions and ideas below.

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