Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Gratitudes!

Hey it's Friday morning and I am doing my gratitudes ON TIME! Yay me! It's been a crazy few weeks, but lots of exciting things are happening and I am super grateful. Here's my list. Please join me and add your own in the COMMENT section below.

1. warmer temperatures
2. my first successful wedding of the year
3. booking two more weddings this week
4. the excitement of the Dinner Party Project students and their energy making guacamole today
5. coffee
6. selling out my cabaret last Sunday and getting invited back to perform in August!

And you?

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Gratitudes

It's been another wacky week and I am just trying to keep up. I did have a stellar day yesterday. Teaching for Spoons in the early morning followed by a cabaret rehearsal and then a wedding rehearsal in the afternoon followed by yummy Mexican food and sangria!

Life is not half bad.

Here are things that I'm thankful for this week.

1. lovely weather
2. a great wedding couple that appreciates all of the personal touches
3. supportive musicians that are ready to rock out on Sunday
4. some great catering friends who make the daily grind easier
5. my father for driving me to my first wedding of the year and sharing his enthusiasm with all around him.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Super sleepy gratitudes

I worked like crazy this week and it's been difficult to take a moment and be thankful running from place to place. I did breathe and release my shoulders a few times, I've tried to keep drinking water and I did splurge on a beer.

Here's what makes me say 'thank you.'
1. warmer weather - a nice rain and a chance to wear my galoshes!
2. Kyla for being game to grab a well deserved beer when it may not have been the wisest decision.
3. Maria and Gina for suggesting getting together for my birthday.
4. My friend Jennifer for satisfying my huge love for live a capella music at her lovely workshop last Sunday.
5. 2 students today in the dinner party class who answered questions in a wise and concise way. almost made me cry.

Have gratitudes? You should. Take a moment to consider the people and things that make your day less sucky. Please share them below.

Friday, May 3, 2013

A Little Gratitude for Friday

I started another round of The Dinner Party Project with Spoons Across America this morning. It's been challenging on many levels, but I am excited to see the growth in the students. This was a busy week and the next few are busy as well. Here's to good time management and time to take care of myself. In the meantime, here's where I say, Thank you.

1. to the engaged students I saw this week and the educators who work tirelessly to teach them
2. sunshine and breezes
3. cool locations in this amazing city - specifically a rooftop bar where I attended a networking event and a garden across the street from my friend Jennifer's house
4. The Zen Bride photo shoot taking shape
5. a great first rehearsal and a completed set list for my Facebook Songbook cabaret.

If you'd like to share, feel free in the comment section below.