Friday, April 12, 2013

Rainy Friday Gratitudes!

It's been quite a week.  I worked A LOT of catering jobs and my feet hurt and I am exhausted. I decided to skip yoga this morning, stay in bed and eat a real, yummy breakfast. While I cannot think fully straight, I am thankful for a good number of things.

1. Completely settling my workers comp claim
2. Lots of catering work and some yummy food on the job
3. The strong hands of the massage dude in the nail salon around the corner. I treated myself to a 30 min. reflexology and chair massage session yesterday.
4. Meeting or speaking with a few potential wedding couples
5. Warmer weather - even two 70 degree days - and some well needed rain.

And you? Where do you find thanks? Feel free to share it below.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post - these are great ways to treat yourself and things to be thankful for. I'm super thankful for:
    1. My sweet, sweet doggies who are always happy to see me
    2. Finding a little extra patience when I needed it today
    3. Seeing Taco running laps in his outdoor kitty tent
    4. Planting a few butterfly bushes in my yard and looking forward to seeing the pretty little fluttery buggers it attracts
    5. The mani/pedi i'm going to treat myself to tomorrow
