Monday, April 1, 2013

How Much is Too Much?

My good buddy Tommy Housworth suggested a number of blog posts to me. Some he's already written about here. Others are new challenges.

At the end January, he gave me 5 post ideas. I've posted two of them here and here. And then in the middle of March, he threw in another one:

When does enthusiasm or passion for something good for you become a tad like evangelizing or beating your own drum? How do we support one another in our journeys without sounding like me-monkeys and know-it-alls in the process?

Tommy asked from the point of view of someone newly returned to vegetarianism. He wants to shout it from the roof tops. Similarly, my friend Michele sells Arbonne products and is afraid of being too pushy. And in February I challenged myself to avoid plastic. I wanted to make it personal goal, but here were a few times that I wanted to (and did!) question others on their use.

I can really only speak about my experience. And there are 4 blog posts where I talk about my No New Plastics Challenge. I did make it a personal goal and announced my successes and challenges most days on social media. There were a number of people following along and I hoped that sharing my experience would start a discussion. I wanted people to question their own habits and make some gentle changes. Did that happen? I think so. At least on a small scale. However, I approached it from a purely personal place. I did what was right for me and I never judged others around me. I answered questions when people asked and explained what I was doing if someone wanted more information. I guess the biggest thing is that I didn't make a big deal about it. While working a catering event they put out plastic plates and utensils for us during a meal break. I quietly went around, asked for and received a ceramic plate and real silverware. I also offered to wash them to make it easier for the guy handling sanitation. When I returned to the eating area, I didn't flaunt my plate or ask why people didn't ask for one themselves. I did what was right for me.

The only time I walked the line was bartending an event that only used plastic cups. I encouraged people to reuse their cup, but didn't make a face if they didn't want to (which only happened twice.) I did see the realization in a few people's faces that they could indeed reduce their use of plastic. A few thanked me for offering to refill their glasses, so they didn't take a fresh cup. It was a fine line. One of the other bartenders overheard me and started doing it, too, but I certainly didn't announce it to the rest of the staff or ask the bussers to allow people to keep their cups.

So, Tommy in terms of your first question, I think you just know. It's a gut thing. You know when you cross that line and start evangelizing. If you find some pro-veggie information that you feel would benefit others - post it, email it, snip and mail. If you are trying to change someone's beliefs, you may question that - unless what you think they are doing is dangerous.

The second question is my favorite. How to support? And the answer is ASK. If you want help spreading the word about one of your passions, let people know. Those that can and have an interest will do so. Those that don't want to, won't. Most people want to support, they just need to know HOW. Be specific with what you want. Conversely, if you want to support a friend in his/her mission, ASK how you can best assist. If you have a suggestion on a way to help another, ask too. Just be prepared for a gentle (or not so gentle) rejection.

If you are enthusiastic about something, I feel you do need to shout it out loud and proud. If you are truly passionate, there will be interested parties around you that will want to know. They will want to know because it's working FOR YOU. Others can either look on your actions as something that may work for them or be motivated solely by your passion to find something equally meaningful.

Anything to share? What are your thoughts on the issue? Please add to the discussion below. And if you have a blog post suggestion or a question, email me:

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