Monday, February 18, 2013

Losing Weight - Check-in #3

Going into Week 3, there were few issues. I have been exercising every day and I do feel better. The pants do feel looser in the leg, however the belly is still not as comfortable as I'd like.

I've been working my full body more so I am certainly feeling muscles that have not been activated in a while. I am not sure if I'm doing enough. Three weeks in, I should feel more a difference. I think I am okay in the exercise department, but I still need to better watch what I put in my pie hole. Perhaps smaller portions and more fruits and veggies. I did fall a bit in the middle of the week. A little heavy on the carbs, but I got myself back on track.

Water consumption is still hard. I tend to forget to drink until late in the day and chug before bed. Perhaps if I have a glass at the start of the day - say, before my morning coffee or tea, I will have a better chance of drinking more.

Breakfast: Smoothie with plain non-fat yogurt, 6 fresh frozen strawberries, 1/2 orange, 1/2 banana, Oatmeal Raisin Clif Bar
Lunch: Turkey sloppy joe (no bread) and watermelon radish with jicama and herb oil
Dinner: Pot roast with hoisin and plum tomatoes with a veggie burger, 4 small carrots and horseradish hummus
Water: 24 oz.
Exercise: 90 minute David Barton Yoga for Jocks class, 1:30 plank

Breakfast: 1 egg, 1/2 wheat English muffin, 2 carrot sticks, 2 tsp black bean spread, 1/2 mango
Lunch: 1/4 chicken, 1 tostone, jicama & watermelon radish with herb oil, 1/2 orange
Dinner: A little cheat...3 fried pork dumplings, shrimp with black bean sauce and noodles, lots of tea
Water: 40 oz.
Exercise: Capoeira/yoga class (1 hr) 1:30 plank

Breakfast: coffee with milk, mixed berry scone
Lunch: small slice of cheese pizza, romaine with tomatoes & cucumber, vinaigrette
Dinner: sauteed kale, onions & tomatoes, leftover shrimp with BB sauce & noodles, 2 pork dumplings
Water: 40 oz.
Exercise: 1:35 plank, 15 full push ups, 10 center sit ups, 10 each side oblique, a little stretching

Breakfast: 1 egg with herb oil, 1/2 english muffin, watermelon radish with black bean spread, black tea
Lunch: nonfat plain yogurt with 1/2 banana, 3 fresh frozen strawberries, ginger granola
Dinner: 1/3 small cheese plate with 3 small pieces of bread, roasted sweet potatoes & beets, kale with tomatoes & onions, 1/2 glass red wine
Water: 20 oz. water
Exercise: 1 hour pilates class, 1.5 mile walking

Breakfast: 2 eggs white, a little cheddar, 3 thin slices of baguette, black tea
Lunch: bowl of chicken orzo soup
Dinner: 5 quarter sized lamb burgers with sauteed kale, tomatoes and onions
Snack: 2 wheat crackers, 6 radishes with black bean spread
Water: 25 oz.
Exercise: 1 hour personal training session - 7 min walk on treadmill, lots of squats with a 20 lb weight, lots of stair steppers, more walking, 1 min plank
1 glass of red wine

Breakfast: veggie burger, 1/2 c roasted sweet potatoes & beets, 2 egg whites, 1/2 tsp peanut sauce
Lunch: plain non-fat yogurt with granola
Dinner: 2 turkey & veggie meatballs, sauteed kale & tomatoes with capers
Snack: 1/4 of a Clif Bar
Water: 25 oz.
Exercise: stretching, 3 x 45 sec plank
1/2 glass red wine

Breakfast: 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup roasted sweet potatoes & beets, chunk of dorset cheese, cup of coffee, half large bran muffin
Lunch: banana
Dinner: lamb tagine with cous cous and sauteed kale, 1 glass red wine
Water: 30 oz.
Exercise: David Barton advanced yoga class, lots of walking in the cold

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