Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursdays are for GRATITUDE!

When I had my personal blog, Go West, Young Woman, I posted my daily gratitudes on a regular basis. Five of 'em. It was place for me to stop bitching and even during some really frustrating days, to remind myself of the goodness around me.

So, I hereby devote each Thursday to GRATITUDES. I will start us off, and then please add yours in the comment section.

1. sunshine
2. plenty of toilet paper now that I'm out of tissues
3. men in togas - go Halloween!
4. power through the storm
5. the re-opening of the 1 train



  1. I use a gratitude app on my phone to write a list each day - it always makes me feel better!
    1. Family
    2. Love
    3. Pets
    4. Giving
    5. Learning

  2. I think this is a WONDERFUL idea and will cause me to be even more aware of what I'm thankful for!
