Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Chakras Explained – ROOT

I don’t remember when I first encountered the chakras, but I use them regularly in my yoga classes. Yes, they can be a little ‘out there,’ but I have seen some a-ha moments using them with even some of my life coaching clients. So, let’s cut through the woo-woo and get acquainted from the bottom to the top.


The Root Chakra (or Muladhara in Sanskrit) is located at the perineum, between the sexual organs and the anus. Others say it’s at the base of the spine, but I like to bring the energy lower in the body.

Take a moment to find stillness and close your eyes. Bring your energy and awareness to your root. In fact, take three complete breaths into that area.

No, do it now. Close your eyes and find your root before you continue. No cheating or you’re missing out.


The root chakra or energy center houses our sense of survival, stability and security. It’s the center of our basic needs, our fight or flight response and feeling comfortable in our environment. Were you able to feel that?

If all is well, you should be able to feel grounded, trusting, courageous and have a healthy dose of self-esteem. If the root center is blocked, you may feel insecure, anxious and restless. You may also feel possessive, materialistic, lacking discipline or constantly get sick.

So right now you are either patting yourself on the back or completely freaking out. If your root chakra is open and working, congratulations. You stand on your own two feet unafraid and have vitality, strength and stillness. Celebrate that.

I find once I move to a new apartment or city, my root is always a little off. Since I moved back across the country 8 months ago, there has been lots of insecurity and anxiety.

So, what do we do to balance muladhara?

1. Get out in NATURE. Take a walk and concentrate on the SMELLS around you. The root is attached to our sense of smell. Reconnect with that and you will open your root.

2. DANCE. Yeah, yeah I know, but trust me here. Put on music with lots of drums or bass and dance around. Stomp your feet, pump your fists - primal, energetic and FUN.

3. Close your eyes and MEDITATE for 10 minutes with the mantra, “I Have Everything I Need.” This one is courtesy of my old roommate and blues diva Nancy Sterman. A great suggestion!

4. Take an hour and ORGANIZE one room or one section of your living space. Adding structure and order to your home will certainly build your stability.

5. Practice YOGA. For my yogis out there, when I do a chakra class for the root, I make sure to incorporate Janu Sirsasana, Supta Baddha Konasana, Uttanasana and grounding into your feet poses like Tadasana.

Each of the chakras is linked to a gland. So, if thinking about energy in your root is too weird, think of connecting with your adrenal glands, which sit on top of your kidneys. The inner part of the adrenal glands secretes the hormone ADRENALINE that affects blood pressure, heart rate and sweating. The outer secretes many different hormones that control the use of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body.

So, how open is your root? How’s your sense of security and self-esteem? Did you find anything surprising? Anything you would add?

Use the comment section below to share your thoughts.

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