Friday, March 29, 2013

Another round of (Friday) Gratitudes!

Okay, okay, I woke up this morning and realized that I completely forgot to post gratitudes yesterday. I think it has to do with a lack of habit. My schedule is always different and yesterday I was out and about all day. I guess I could set up a reminder, but either way I am certainly not beating myself up about it.

Here's what I'm grateful for this week:
1. Seder with some friends and my parents
2. a great visit with my good pal, Tony
3. the start of another Spoons Across America Dinner Party Project and affiliation with Gracie Mansion
4. booking another wedding in June
5. sunshiney days

And you? What makes you go, thanks!? Feel free to add it below.

Friday, March 22, 2013

*ahem* Friday Gratitudes

I am having a hard time believing that I actually missed doing my Thursday gratitudes. I have been very busy this week, but it's a gentle reminder that I do need to consciously take a moment to be thankful for all that is.

Here's what I got this week:

1. Another booked wedding couple and an increased number of pending ceremonies
2. More catering work
3. Teaching some very cool 2nd graders this week about bees and honey - 11 classes in total
4. A feeling that things are right where I'm supposed to be
5. A great (albeit short) visit with the almost famous matzo ball maker, Jennifer Levison

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Late Night Gratitudes

Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I almost forgot about my gratitudes today. I worked a super long day yesterday and played catch up today. But heck, at least I'm taking the time now. Here's a short list of things that I am super grateful for:

1. more work coming my way
2. working with great people yesterday - especially Kim, Tim and Charlie
3. that I can fit into my pants!
4. being able to see (and play with) my nephew
5. lemon verbena. The essential oil spray that I made and use frequently to counteract the poopy cat smell.

Have something you are grateful for? If so, feel free to add it below. I would love to know.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Losing Weight Check-in #6

I have changed a few habits, but the weight is coming off slowly. I guess I put it on slowly, since I didn't even notice it, so it shouldn't be a surprise that it's taking some time to come off. My eating was all over the map this week. Lots of catering, so a good bit of salty food, but I also skipped meals (which I never do!) There was also a birthday party and cake so I aim to start off with a clean slate in the coming week. My free gym membership at David Barton expired this past weekend and I will start my discounted month at NY Sports Club either today or tomorrow. Hopefully I will find classes I like and time to go most days.

Good news is that the pants fit better and I feel more comfortable in my clothes. I just hope that doesn't let me slide and abandon my mission.

Breakfast: 2 egg whites, cheddar, 1 slice whole wheat bread, 1/4 c tomato/eggplant sauce, coffee with Skim
Lunch: Let's just say I ate a good bit of trail mix today
Dinner:  Hoisin salmon with white rice and sauteed peppers & eggplant
Water: 20 oz.
Exercise: Basic yoga class (75 min) planks during hulu commercials = 3:40

Breakfast: 1/2 sweet potato, 1 egg, cheddar cheese, tomato/eggplant sauce, 1/2 c coffee with skim
Lunch: banana & Clif Bar
Dinner:  green salad, 2 meatballs. 2 thin slices brisket, Israeli cous cous & corn salad, mini pork slider, mini cheesecake, 1 chocolate chip cookie
Water: 40 oz.
Exercise: Vinyasa yoga class (60 min) catering work

Breakfast: 1/2 c coffee with skim
Lunch: 4 pieces sushi roll, sukiyaki with veggies & rice, salad with artichoke hearts & sun-dried tomato
Dinner:  small chicken wrap, 4 pieces veggie sushi, a few handfuls of trail mix
Water: 32 oz.
Exercise: catering work and a bit of walking

Breakfast: 1/2 veggie quesadilla, small coffee with milk, mini black & white cookie
Lunch: 1/2 chicken wrap, veggie sushi, romaine lettuce, red pepper with balsamic vinegar
Snack: banana, 2 bites of blondie
Dinner:  veggie sushi, canapes: 1 mac/cheese, 1 crab cake, 2 smoked salmon, 1 tarte flambe, 1 prosciutto mousse
Water: 30 oz.
Exercise: catering work and a bit of walking

Breakfast: 2 egg whites, 1/3 veggie quesadilla
Lunch: large salad with chicken and salmon, cucumber & sun dried tomatoes, 1 fig bar, coffee with skim
Dinner:  root veggies with 1/3 veggie quesadilla, glass of red wine
Water: 32 oz.
Exercise: a little walking

Breakfast: coffee with milk, small Italian meat sandwich
Lunch: 2 pizza crusts, small piece Carvel ice cream cake
Dinner:  lots of sushi, 1 glass wine, 1 small hot sake
Water: 12 oz.
Exercise: jumping at bouncy house birthday party, 2:15 plank

Breakfast: 3 pieces of sushi, tea
Lunch: coffee, 1/2 bagel with 1/2 white fish salad and half cream cheese with lox. 2 slices of tomato, small slice of birthday cake with a little scoop of chocolate ice cream
Dinner: Large bowl of soup with roasted root veggies and chard and mystery meatballs, 1 small Reese's PB cup
Water: 20 oz.
Exercise: playing with my nephew

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ooh, ooooh, ooooh, Gratitudes!

I got worried this morning since I had yet to post a daily inspiration and I had nothing. But then I closed my eyes and one just popped up.

What's the 1 thing you want to ACHIEVE today? Be it a task or a state of mind, call out to the universe and we will SUPPORT you!

But then I realized wait, it's THURSDAY. Gratitude Day! As I look at the light snow blowing like crazy from my warm apartment, I consider the good things in my life.

1.  More referrals for A More Perfect Union. In such a business, the only way I will continue to expand is by word of mouth.
2. Yoga. With a gym membership and good classes, it's been nice to focus on my body and breath most days.
3. A kindle. It allows me to easily get my Game of Thrones fix on public transportation. It makes my daily 40 minute commute worth it.
4. My essential oil spray bottle. I have lemon verbena and lavender at my fingertips and the scent really makes a difference.
5. Catering leftovers. Lots of options. They may have too much salt, but it saves on grocery shopping and I can supplement with super healthy salad!

Now you. What makes you grateful? Can you share ONE thing below?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Can Cynicism be Healthy?

Here we go with the second installment of the Tommy Housworth recommended posts. If you missed the first one, read it here. There are a couple of things that went through my head when he posed the question, "Can Cynicism Be Healthy?" First, was 'Sure!'

I am of firm belief that everything is good in moderation. Well, not violence, but why not a healthy bit of cynicism? But then I thought 'can being a cynic bring unneeded negativity?' And that's when I realized that we needed to take a step back. Heck, who am I kidding? I needed explore and better understand what cynicism was.

That's when I saw there are TWO schools of thought on cynicism. One is the ancient philosophical and the second is the modern view. Strict definitions did not seem full enough, so here's what Wikipedia says about the one created by Socrates' pupil Antisthenes:

Cynicism in its original form, refers to the beliefs of an ancient school of Greek philosophers known as the Cynics. Their philosophy was that the purpose of life was to live a life of Virtue in agreement with Nature. This meant rejecting all conventional desires for wealth, power, sex and fame, and by living a simple life free of all possessions. 

So these toga wearin' Cynics were all over Greece begging in the streets in the 1st Century, but by the 5th Century cynicism seemed to fade away or perhaps get picked up in part by Christianity. However, by time we hit the 18th Century, things shifted. A new view of cynicism emerged. Back to Wikipedia and the more modern entry.

Cynicism is an attitude or state of mind characterized by a general distrust of others' apparent motives or ambitions. A general lack of faith or hope in the human race or in individuals with desires, hopes, opinions, or personal tastes that a cynic perceives as unrealistic or inappropriate, therefore deserving of ridicule or admonishment. It's a form of jaded negativity, and other times, realistic criticism or skepticism.

So, somewhere down the line we did a 180. It seems like the ideas of simplicity and piety became lost when someone asked the question, 'why bother?' Life became more complex as machinery improved and was more widespread. There were more options, but that didn't make things BETTER. Cities grew and travel was a possibility even for the lowest class. Our world grew smaller, but our world view increased. Many may have thought that they had to have money and power to get ahead or get away. And even with that view, life was still difficult. Living without was just as difficult as the struggle to live with. But this is all conjecture. I go by instinct and a bit of research. It makes sense, though, does it not?

So, in the 21st century, cynicism is pretty much the same as it's been for the last few hundred years. Or perhaps the contemporary definition is more modern than I realize. Either way, it leads us back to the original question. Can this cynicism be healthy?

I'm sticking with my original opinion and say 'yes.' And that's to both the ancient and the modern views. I think it's healthy to let of go things we may not need. Materialism and commercialism run rampant in our society. Do we need SOME? Absolutely. We all have bills to pay and should be able to satisfy our desire for a little luxury and splurging from time to time. But do we need LOTS? No. Lots makes it hard to organize, keep things clean, be efficient with time and space. Ambition can be a good thing, but it's wise to keep it in check with your general happiness.

The modern view is a bit harder to connect. As a New Yorker moving to Atlanta many years ago, I wondered why everyone was so nice. I was sure they wanted something of me. But that was not often true. Is it smart to question? Absolutely. Is it healthy to assume that everyone is out to get you? No way. In our culture where information is at our fingertips we forget the power of faith and hope. There is something to be said for the wonder of the unknown and bothering to care about something just beause it feels right. So, allow the skepticism to manifest, but then check in with your gut - your instincts - before making the best decision for you and letting it go.

What are your thoughts on cynicism? Do you consider yourself a cynic? How does it help or hinder? Please share your comments below.

Losing Weight Check-in #5

Well, I can finally feel a difference with my daily exercise. My body is certainly stronger and I can endure more. The yoga classes I've taken tend to work heavily on the quads, but I also notice that I am weaker than I'd like in the shoulders. I did lose another pound which certainly got me excited. There were also two people who noticed that I looked like I lost weight. Water intake was a challenge again.

Now that the plastic challenge is officially over it will be easier buying fish and some veggies. I also bought a new water bottle, so it will be easier to drink all day. I will also be working more this coming week, so less laying around, and less nibbling.

Breakfast: 2 egg whites with 1/2 english muffin, 1 tsp orange marmalade, coffee with skim milk
Lunch: 3 chicken skewers with peanut sauce, salad with grated beets and balsamic vinegar
Dinner: Clif Bar, banana, cup of butternut squash soup with 2 T of chicken pot pie filling, chunk of cheese with 1 water cracker, glass of white wine
Water: 30 oz.
Exercise: Yoga for Jocks (90 min)

Breakfast: 2 egg whites, meatloaf scraps, tomato/eggplant sauce, masala tea with milk
Lunch: big salad with 3 chicken skewers, peanut sauce and balsamic vinegar
Dinner: beef tenderloin, chive spatzle, mushroom & chard
Snack: banana with 1 T peanut butter, an orange
Water: 25 oz.
Exercise: catering work, a little walking, 1:52 plank, stretching - my quads and sides of my torso are sore from yoga

Breakfast: 2 egg whites, 1 oz of cheddar, 1 small whole grain roll
Lunch: Big salad with chive spatzle and a chicken leg
Dinner: Spanokopita, small coffee with milk, 1/2 apple
Water: 25 oz.
Exercise: 30 full sit ups, 13 full push ups - my psoas are tight, I assume from yoga

Breakfast: handful of curried cashews, coffee with skim milk
Lunch: Big salad with chive spatzle and a chicken leg
Snack: half piece coconut cake 
Dinner: Arugula and radishes with 3/4 cup of chicken pot pie filling
Water: 45 oz.
Exercise: Basic yoga class (75 min) ~ 1.5 mi. walk

Breakfast: Oatmeal with 1/2 banana, 1/2 apple, 1 T maple syrup, coffee with skim
Lunch: chicken soup with noodles and a broccoli & cheese pupusa & slaw
Dinner: arugula salad with chive spatzle
Water: 20 oz.
Exercise: David Barton awesome yoga class (75 min)

Breakfast: small roll with 2 egg whites, tomato/eggplant sauce & cheddar cheese, coffee with skim
Lunch: half sweet potato, sauteed peppers & eggplant, dorset cheese, arugula and beet salad
Snack: Chicken empanada
Dinner: Shrimp & mixed veggies, white rice, 1/4 c hot & sour soup
Water: 20 oz.
Exercise: ~ 1 mi. brisk walk

Breakfast: oatmeal with 1/2 banana, skim milk & maple syrup
Lunch: 2.5 empanada (beef, onion/cheese, chicken curry, spinach/cheese, tuna & tomato)
Dinner: Shrimp & mixed veggies, white rice
Water: 30 oz.
Exercise: Advanced yoga class (60 min.)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week #4 - No New Plastic Challenge

I didn't realize that we were almost done with the month until we were done with the month. However when I was at the gym I saw the date and I didn't have a problem grabbing a plastic disposable razor. At all. I did keep the razor and plan to reuse it. So it's not totally horrible, but still.

I did work a catering event this week at one of the large museums and worked the bar. It was a large event and I was horrified to see only plastic cups. Yes, it makes things so much easier and clean up is a breeze, but I don't believe these cups were recyclable. In any case, I did encourage folks to REFILL their glasses rather than take a new cup. A few people stopped for a moment when I suggested it, realized it was a good idea and then thanked me. One guy didn't understand what I was saying and acted like he could not be bothered. But he was certainly in the minority. I do think the bartender on my right thought I was a pain on my little crusade, but I really didn't care. I wasn't going to make it a big deal, but I did do my small part to help reduce plastic consumption. In fact, the bartender on my left tried to one up me by trying to get more people to reuse their glasses. See what a little friendly competition can do? We can save the world!

For the last month I did my best to avoid plastic. And I feel I was pretty successful doing so. In fact, there's lots that I will try to keep doing:

1. carry my own containers when going out to dinner.
2. bring a canvas bag with me instead of using plastic (though I do need a few for cat litter disposal)
3. look for options for things packaged in plastic
4. RECYCLE and REUSE packaging when I can if I must buy plastic
5. request real glasses, plates and utensils whenever possible
6. be creative when it makes sense to make my own food, beauty products or cleaning supplies or choose family size items that I can buy less often.

Anything you learn? Anything you would try? Any questions or comments? Add them below!