Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Chakras Explained - THROAT

As we travel up the spine, we head out of the more physical chakras and into the more spiritual ones. Number 5 and I have a love/hate relationship. One of my grad school professors once told me that as a Taurus, I would have troubles with my throat. And I always have. I lost my voice often during rehearsals when I was still performing and lacked vocal power singing, but sometimes speaking as well. And don't get me started on sore throats. However doing the research on the correlation between the zodiac signs and the chakras I see that no source gives the same information. According to one Taurus is in Svadisthana, another Anahata. And in another the Throat is not associated with ANY astrological sign. Wait, what??!! What does this mean?

It means some things need to be taken with a a grain of salt. Sometimes those horoscopes in the newspaper come out in our favor and sometimes they are a bunch of hooey. However, if it works for you, then by all means follow it. I know that the chakra that is the most closed to me is my throat. I don't need an "expert" on the internet to confirm it. I can FEEL it in my body. But let's take a step back.


The fifth chakra is located in the center of the neck and is called Vishuddha in Sanskrit which translates back as "purity." I think of this energy center as the gateway to the higher planes. We need to purify or remove our sense of judgment as it comes from our power and compassion centers in order to better connect with the universe.

Take a moment to find to find your fifth energy center. I usually say to close your eyes and breathe into the chakra, but this time, I'd like you to hum. A soft, easy sound emanating from vishuddha. As this center is associated with sound, notice how the hum feels. As you play with tone and range, does it become easier? And here's the hard part...what do you hear? Pay attention to any emotions or images that pop up.

The throat chakra is our Will center – both personal and divine will. It is here that we make choices, each decision leading us on our spiritual journey. When the fifth chakra is balanced and centered, we are able to speak with confidence and truth because we are grounded in ourselves. We no longer need to enforce our opinions on others. We can speak gently and lovingly, with compassion and truth of conviction, so that others will hear us from their hearts and not feel threatened by our beliefs. Most importantly, with vishuddha in balance, we can communicate without fear of being judged by others and we also can speak without a voice of judgment to others AND ourselves.

I tend to simplify the throat chakra and call it the communication center. The area of both speaking AND listening. Do you hear that? Speaking and LISTENING. Now that I am back in my native NY, I am amazed at the disconnect here. More so than any other place I've lived. It may be where we are in history, but those that should be speaking are largely silent and those that truly do not hear need to listen. Or perhaps shut the heck up. New Yorkers have no problem expressing their feelings. There are usually more expletives than needed, but it certainly gives our city its local color. What I find more disturbing are those just not paying attention. Eyes deep in their smart phones while crossing the street. The younger generation listening to music, watching a movie, playing a video game and texting all at the same time. Now exactly what do you hear?

If you are like me and have constant soar throats or even get choked up while speaking (um, lump), you may need to do a bit of work to clear vishuddha. Other troubles may include: mouth ulcers, scoliosis, swollen glands, thyroid dysfunctions, laryngitis, voice problems, gum or tooth problems, and TMJ.

If you have a hard time communicating, speaking your personal truth or making decisions, here are things you can do to balance this energy center.

1. Find your personal TRUTH. This is a biggie and was said to me often by an energy healer I went to in Atlanta. At the time I didn’t understand it. People can tell you what to think and how to feel, but you only know for sure when it’s in your heart. And when you’re in there, you might find something different altogether. Caution: LISTENING required. Once you have your truth, then you can SPEAK your truth.

2. SING!  In the shower, in the car, at a karaoke bar. Who cares! Sing it loud and proud or if you don’t know the words, just hum!

3. MEDITATE! Sitting in stillness is great for your 5th chakra. It allows you to both listen to your breath and quiet your mind.

4. Play with ESSENTIAL OILS. Some oils that reduce inflammation and soothe sore throats are tea tree, eucalyptus, cajuput, sandalwood, frankincense, clary sage, and lavender. These oils can be gargled, inhaled, or rubbed (in a carrier oil) on the affected area.

5. Do YOGA! When I teach a throat centered practice, I add Matsyasana (Fish pose), Shoulder stand, Halasana (Plow) and any movement that allows both stretching and releasing of the neck.

What do you hear in your THROAT center? Anything you care to share?

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